CiteScore下 General Arts and Humanities(普通艺术和人文科学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Eighteenth-Century Ireland Arts and Humanities (all) 5 0.3 61 Q2
Journal of Archaeological Research Arts and Humanities (all) 264 6.1 1 Q1
Revue des Sciences Humaines Arts and Humanities (all) 4 0.0 138 Q4
Antiquity Arts and Humanities (all) 1685 3.1 3 Q1
Centro Journal Arts and Humanities (all) 86 0.9 19 Q1
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Arts and Humanities (all) 62 0.8 21 Q1
Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture Arts and Humanities (all) 28 0.3 66 Q2
Selvedge Arts and Humanities (all) 0 0.0 140 Q4
Trames Arts and Humanities (all) 69 0.6 28 Q1
Social Analysis Arts and Humanities (all) 160 1.4 10 Q1
Acta Koreana Arts and Humanities (all) 20 0.3 68 Q2
New German Critique Arts and Humanities (all) 11 0.1 106 Q3
Bilig Arts and Humanities (all) 51 0.3 59 Q2
Tydskrift vir Geesteswetenskappe Arts and Humanities (all) 61 0.3 64 Q2
Dutch Crossing Arts and Humanities (all) 11 0.2 90 Q3
Representations Arts and Humanities (all) 60 0.6 27 Q1
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Arts and Humanities (all) 4 0.1 110 Q3
Central Europe Arts and Humanities (all) 1 0.0 130 Q4
Slovo Arts and Humanities (all) 5 0.2 77 Q3
Korea Observer Arts and Humanities (all) 45 0.5 36 Q1
International Journal of Asian Studies Arts and Humanities (all) 6 0.2 78 Q3
Journal of Aesthetic Education Arts and Humanities (all) 45 0.4 49 Q2
Iran Arts and Humanities (all) 28 0.4 44 Q2
Milli Folklor Arts and Humanities (all) 48 0.2 81 Q3
Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education Arts and Humanities (all) 68 1.2 14 Q1
International Journal of Education Through Art Arts and Humanities (all) 87 0.9 18 Q1
Southern Cultures Arts and Humanities (all) 11 0.1 114 Q4
Hungarian Studies Arts and Humanities (all) 4 0.1 125 Q4
Greece and Rome Arts and Humanities (all) 23 0.5 38 Q2
Asian Medicine Arts and Humanities (all) 69 1.4 11 Q1