CiteScore下 General Earth and Planetary Sciences(普通地球和行星科学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 132 1.4 107 Q3
Earth System Science Data Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 6093 12.6 4 Q1
Geosciences (Switzerland) Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 5521 3.4 45 Q1
Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 60 0.7 140 Q3
GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 56 0.6 153 Q4
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 286 3.2 52 Q2
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 1964 15.5 3 Q1
Open Geosciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 546 1.6 102 Q3
Czech Polar Reports Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 108 1.1 116 Q3
Frontiers in Earth Science Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 4045 3.3 48 Q2
E3S Web of Conferences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 11023 0.6 150 Q4
Geoscience Letters Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 192 3.4 43 Q1
Geoscience Data Journal Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 137 2.9 60 Q2
Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 36 0.5 154 Q4
Earth and Space Science Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 1573 2.9 59 Q2
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 1225 4.7 28 Q1
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 43 0.7 142 Q4
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 99 0.8 137 Q3
Journal of Earth System Science Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 1503 2.2 83 Q2
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 255 0.9 126 Q3
Granja Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 30 0.5 158 Q4
Russian Journal of Earth Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 143 1.0 120 Q3
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 24 0.4 161 Q4
Investigaciones Geograficas Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 62 0.9 127 Q3
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 24 0.2 177 Q4
Ukrainian Geographical Journal Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 28 0.3 169 Q4
Springer Geology Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 449 1.4 109 Q3
Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 85 0.5 160 Q4
Arctic Science Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 61 1.5 106 Q3
Uniciencia Earth and Planetary Sciences (all) 13 0.3 168 Q4