CiteScore下 General Physics and Astronomy(普通物理学和天文学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy (all) 3415 6.8 25 Q1
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute Physics and Astronomy (all) 302 0.8 183 Q4
Physics of Wave Phenomena Physics and Astronomy (all) 372 1.9 127 Q3
Journal of Contemporary Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 204 1.0 177 Q4
Lithuanian Journal of Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 163 1.6 141 Q3
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement Physics and Astronomy (all) 332 0.6 197 Q4
Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy (all) 73 3.3 86 Q2
Nature Communications Physics and Astronomy (all) 417503 20.0 9 Q1
Plasma Medicine Physics and Astronomy (all) 147 1.8 132 Q3
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer Physics and Astronomy (all) 777 3.1 91 Q2
Electronics and Communications in Japan Physics and Astronomy (all) 199 0.6 198 Q4
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Physics and Astronomy (all) 5071 5.5 39 Q1
Iranian Journal of Physics Research Physics and Astronomy (all) 70 0.2 222 Q4
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics Physics and Astronomy (all) 282 4.0 67 Q2
Advances in Mathematical Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 707 1.5 145 Q3
Results in Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 21669 7.1 22 Q1
Journal of Physical Science Physics and Astronomy (all) 382 1.8 135 Q3
AIP Advances Physics and Astronomy (all) 15929 2.6 104 Q2
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Physics and Astronomy (all) 25463 0.5 207 Q4
Revista Cubana de Fisica Physics and Astronomy (all) 48 0.6 204 Q4
AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali Physics and Astronomy (all) 197 1.2 167 Q3
European Physical Journal H Physics and Astronomy (all) 136 2.3 113 Q2
Communications in Number Theory and Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 286 4.0 68 Q2
Journal of Astronomy and Space Science Physics and Astronomy (all) 200 1.7 140 Q3
European Physical Journal Plus Physics and Astronomy (all) 13132 5.1 46 Q1
Physical Review X Physics and Astronomy (all) 22245 22.1 7 Q1
African Review of Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 19 0.2 220 Q4
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 2457 3.8 73 Q2
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science Physics and Astronomy (all) 620 2.6 103 Q2
International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning Physics and Astronomy (all) 6 0.1 227 Q4