CiteScore下 General Physics and Astronomy(普通物理学和天文学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales Physics and Astronomy (all) 24 0.2 226 Q4
Universe Physics and Astronomy (all) 2026 3.1 93 Q2
EUREKA, Physics and Engineering Physics and Astronomy (all) 107 1.0 178 Q4
Eurasian Physical Technical Journal Physics and Astronomy (all) 36 0.5 206 Q4
Communications Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 2445 5.2 42 Q1
Journal of Analytical Science and Technology Physics and Astronomy (all) 353 2.6 106 Q2
Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki Physics and Astronomy (all) 139 0.7 190 Q4
Uniciencia Physics and Astronomy (all) 13 0.3 216 Q4
Physical Sciences Reviews Physics and Astronomy (all) 489 1.5 149 Q3
Chelyabinsk Physical and Mathematical Journal Physics and Astronomy (all) 15 0.2 225 Q4
Journal of Physics Communications Physics and Astronomy (all) 1473 1.9 128 Q3
Nature Reviews Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 1825 17.2 11 Q1
Izvestiya of Saratov University, New Series: Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 18 0.3 218 Q4
PoliTO Springer Series Physics and Astronomy (all) 30 0.4 214 Q4
Fundamental Theories of Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 339 1.3 160 Q3
SciPost Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 358 2.0 124 Q3
East European Journal of Physics Physics and Astronomy (all) 4 0.1 231 Q4
Annals of PDE Physics and Astronomy (all) 355 4.9 50 Q1
Momento Physics and Astronomy (all) 1 0.1 229 Q4
El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering Physics and Astronomy (all) 15 0.1 228 Q4
Cell Reports Physical Science Physics and Astronomy (all) 224 1.2 165 Q3
SN Applied Sciences Physics and Astronomy (all) 3949 1.0 175 Q3
Physics Open Physics and Astronomy (all) 12 0.4 215 Q4