Journal of Fusion Energy
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
240 |
1.5 |
48 |
Q3 |
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
153 |
0.6 |
67 |
Q4 |
Nuclear Data Sheets
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
843 |
12.2 |
4 |
Q1 |
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
173 |
1.5 |
46 |
Q3 |
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
933 |
15.3 |
3 |
Q1 |
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
4829 |
3.5 |
25 |
Q2 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
6207 |
3.5 |
24 |
Q2 |
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
92 |
0.8 |
59 |
Q4 |
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
1221 |
16.5 |
2 |
Q1 |
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
715 |
4.1 |
22 |
Q2 |
Annales Henri Poincare
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
1311 |
3.0 |
29 |
Q2 |
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
442 |
1.3 |
50 |
Q3 |
Hyperfine Interactions
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
463 |
1.4 |
49 |
Q3 |
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
5469 |
2.4 |
38 |
Q2 |
International Journal of Modern Physics A
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
3374 |
2.6 |
33 |
Q2 |
Journal of High Energy Physics
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
86705 |
10.1 |
5 |
Q1 |
Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
3398 |
4.5 |
17 |
Q1 |
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
459 |
4.7 |
16 |
Q1 |
European Physical Journal A
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
4340 |
4.5 |
18 |
Q1 |
Hedianzixue Yu Tance Jishu/Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
71 |
0.2 |
74 |
Q4 |
Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
51 |
0.2 |
72 |
Q4 |
International Journal of Modern Physics E
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
901 |
1.8 |
45 |
Q3 |
Journal of Nuclear Materials
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
11834 |
5.0 |
14 |
Q1 |
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
1438 |
2.8 |
30 |
Q2 |
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
3405 |
5.0 |
12 |
Q1 |
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
3575 |
4.4 |
20 |
Q2 |
Modern Physics Letters A
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
3366 |
2.7 |
32 |
Q2 |
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
12215 |
6.8 |
8 |
Q1 |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
11542 |
2.8 |
31 |
Q2 |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Nuclear and High Energy Physics |
5479 |
2.4 |
37 |
Q2 |