CiteScore下 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health(公共卫生、环境和职业卫生) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 3507 8.0 27 Q1
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 43 0.3 488 Q4
Social Work in Mental Health Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 231 1.4 369 Q3
Indian Journal of Palliative Care Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 592 1.7 333 Q3
Communication and Medicine Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 40 0.6 450 Q4
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 502 2.3 279 Q3
Maternal and Child Nutrition Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 3935 5.7 65 Q1
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 1949 3.0 210 Q2
Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 293 3.6 158 Q2
Home Health Care Management and Practice Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 144 1.2 388 Q3
Sexual Health Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 1173 3.3 193 Q2
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 505 2.4 262 Q2
Preventing chronic disease Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 2221 3.7 153 Q2
Rural and Remote Health Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 528 1.6 342 Q3
American Journal of Health Education Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 273 1.8 322 Q3
Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 30 1.4 367 Q3
Vascular Health and Risk Management Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 824 4.0 125 Q1
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 642 3.2 196 Q2
Globalization and Health Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 1982 5.1 78 Q1
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 2307 7.3 33 Q1
Journal of Physiological Anthropology Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 466 3.7 147 Q2
Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 63 1.1 396 Q4
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 752 2.1 290 Q3
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 1931 4.0 123 Q1
International Journal of Low Radiation Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 8 0.3 483 Q4
Ciencia e Saude Coletiva Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 2963 1.8 323 Q3
Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno Infantil Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 130 0.6 442 Q4
Sahara J Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 135 2.7 235 Q2
Current Nutrition and Food Science Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 353 1.1 400 Q4
Occupational Therapy Now Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health 1 0.1 518 Q4