CiteScore下 Software(软件) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Computing (Vienna/New York) Software 1141 3.8 179 Q2
Kybernetika Software 249 1.1 330 Q4
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Software 4148 5.7 104 Q2
Cluster Computing Software 6539 3.1 213 Q3
Knowledge-Based Systems Software 21478 11.3 31 Q1
Knowledge Engineering Review Software 159 6.4 86 Q1
Machine Learning Software 1777 6.1 94 Q1
Neural Computing and Applications Software 20372 7.3 68 Q1
Neural Network World Software 224 2.1 265 Q3
Neural Processing Letters Software 3451 4.2 159 Q2
Pattern Recognition Software 24756 15.7 12 Q1
Pattern Recognition Letters Software 9312 6.7 81 Q1
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle Software 193 0.9 344 Q4
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences Software 736 1.5 298 Q4
Formal Aspects of Computing Software 299 3.0 219 Q3
IEEE Pervasive Computing Software 1340 7.5 63 Q1
Computers and Graphics Software 2008 4.6 139 Q2
IEEE Transactions on Computers Software 3920 6.9 74 Q1
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Software 6198 21.8 8 Q1
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Software 11058 12.8 21 Q1
INFORMS Journal on Computing Software 673 3.3 203 Q3
IT Professional Software 1444 5.3 119 Q2
Design Automation for Embedded Systems Software 277 5.4 113 Q2
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Software 23563 6.4 86 Q1
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Software 648 1.9 272 Q3
International Journal of Robotics and Automation Software 374 1.7 290 Q3
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences Software 295 1.0 340 Q4
Informatica (Slovenia) Software 219 1.0 337 Q4
Graphical Models Software 205 1.8 281 Q3
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Software 910 3.5 189 Q2