CiteScore下 Space and Planetary Science(空间和行星科学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space and Planetary Science 271 0.7 84 Q4
EAS Publications Series Space and Planetary Science 12 0.3 92 Q4
Advances in Geosciences Space and Planetary Science 314 2.0 66 Q3
International Journal of Astrobiology Space and Planetary Science 329 3.4 47 Q2
Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics Space and Planetary Science 23 1.5 72 Q3
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Space and Planetary Science 297 0.3 95 Q4
Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society Space and Planetary Science 116 1.6 69 Q3
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics Space and Planetary Science 1718 2.5 60 Q3
Artificial Satellites Space and Planetary Science 36 0.8 81 Q4
Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Series A Space and Planetary Science 85 0.7 85 Q4
CEAS Space Journal Space and Planetary Science 460 2.6 59 Q3
Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies Space and Planetary Science 87 0.8 83 Q4
Living Reviews in Solar Physics Space and Planetary Science 586 30.8 3 Q1
Advances in Astronomy Space and Planetary Science 184 2.7 55 Q3
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters Space and Planetary Science 7833 9.2 13 Q1
Astrophysical Journal Letters Space and Planetary Science 36383 14.7 5 Q1
Physics of the Dark Universe Space and Planetary Science 2521 6.8 21 Q1
Astronomy and Computing Space and Planetary Science 613 3.4 46 Q2
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC Space and Planetary Science 1988 0.3 94 Q4
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate Space and Planetary Science 898 4.9 30 Q2
Journal of High Energy Astrophysics Space and Planetary Science 271 4.8 31 Q2
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems Space and Planetary Science 1327 3.9 42 Q2
Molecular Astrophysics Space and Planetary Science 327 7.4 19 Q1
Open Astronomy Space and Planetary Science 142 1.1 79 Q4
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Space and Planetary Science 2762 4.1 39 Q2
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Space and Planetary Science 15911 6.5 23 Q1
npj Microgravity Space and Planetary Science 759 6.6 22 Q1
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology Space and Planetary Science 310 3.1 53 Q3
International Journal of Space Science and Engineering Space and Planetary Science 8 0.3 91 Q4
Romanian Astronomical Journal Space and Planetary Science 12 0.3 92 Q4