


期刊全称 Print ISSN 所属学科 FMS分级
SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 1869-4187 一般经济 D
Journal of Consumer Psychology 1057-7408 营销 A
Journal of Consumer Research 0093-5301 营销 A
Journal of Marketing 0022-2429 营销 A
Journal of Marketing Research 0022-2437 营销 A
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 营销 A
Marketing Science 0732-2399 营销 A
European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 营销 B
Industrial Marketing Management 0019-8501 营销 B
International Journal of Research in Marketing 0167-8116 营销 B
International Marketing Review 0265-1335 营销 B
Journal of Advertising 0091-3367 营销 B
Journal of Advertising Research 0021-8499 营销 B
Journal of Interactive Marketing 1094-9968 营销 B
Journal of International Marketing 1069-031X 营销 B
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 0743-9156 营销 B
Journal of Retailing 0022-4359 营销 B
Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 营销 B
Marketing Letters 0923-0645 营销 B
Marketing Theory 1470-5931 营销 B
Psychology & Marketing 0742-6046 营销 B
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1570-7156 营销 B
Consumption Markets & Culture 1025-3866 营销 C
Electronic Markets 1019-6781 营销 C
International Journal of Advertising 0265-0487 营销 C
International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470-6423 营销 C
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 0959-0552 营销 C
Journal of Brand Management 1350-231X 营销 C
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 营销 C
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 1051-712X 营销 C
Journal of Communication 0021-9916 营销 C
Journal of Consumer Affairs 0022-0078 营销 C
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1472-0817 营销 C
Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 营销 C
Journal of Marketing Management 0267-257X 营销 C
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 1069-6679 营销 C
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 0885-3134 营销 C
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0969-6989 营销 C
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 1476-6930 营销 C
Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 营销 C
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 2055-6225 营销 C
Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045 营销 C
Journal of Strategic Marketing 0965-254X 营销 C
Public Relations Review 0363-8111 营销 C
Service Industries Journal 0264-2069 营销 C
Structural Equation Modeling 1070-5511 营销 C
Australasian Marketing Journal 1441-3582 营销 D
Corporate Reputation Review 1363-3589 营销 D
International Journal of Bank Marketing 0265-2323 营销 D
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1477-5212 营销 D