
aaai 2004 论文列表

Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sixteenth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, July 25-29, 2004, San Jose, California, USA.

Responsive Information Architect: A Context-Sensitive Multimedia Conversation Framework for Information Seeking.
Online Semantic Extraction by Backpropagation Neural Network with Various Syntactic Structure Representations.
The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment Onboard the EO-1 Spacecraft.
Intelligent Agents for Coalition Search and Rescue Task Support.
SCoT: A Spoken Conversational Tutor.
A Robotic Model of Human Reference Resolution.
CAMEO: Modeling Human Activity in Formal Meeting Situations.
SenseClusters - Finding Clusters that Represent Word Senses.
SEM-Ether: Semantic Web Based Pervasive Computing Framework - Integrating Web, Devices and People.
PRECISE on ATIS: Semantic Tractability and Experimental Results.
WordNet: : Similarity - Measuring the Relatedness of Concepts.
Centibots: Very Large Scale Distributed Robotic Teams.
CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management.
Mobile Emergency Triage Support System.
Agent-Based Modeling with Social Networks for Terrorist Recruitment.
Domain-Independent Reason-Enhanced Controller for Task-ORiented Systems - DIRECTOR.
iBundler: An Agent-Based Decision Support Service for Combinatorial Negotiations.
Engineering Open Multi-Agent Systems as Electronic Institutions.
Visual Odometry Using Commodity Optical Flow.
Multi-Agent System Development: Design, Runtime, and Analysis.
Intelligent Systems Demonstration: The Secure Wireless Agent Testbed (SWAT).
Planning and Verification for Stochastic Processes with Asynchronous Events.
A Metric for the Evaluation of Imitation.
Capturing User Intent for Information Retrieval.
Inducing Constraint-Based Grammars using a Domain Ontology.
Adaptive Algorithms for Routing and Traffic Engineering in Stochastic Networks.
Interesting Instance Discovery in Multi-Relational Data.
Connecting Cognitive and Physical Worlds with Dynamic Cost Function Definition.
User-Sensitive Text Summarization.
A Framework for Optimal Sequential Planning in Multiagent Settings.
Flexible Decision-Making in Sequential Auctions.
Learnable Similarity Functions and their Applications to Clustering and Record Linkage.
Semi-Supervised Clustering with Limited Background Knowledge.
Finding Redundant Constraints for FSM Minimization.
Mobile Agent-Based Search for Service Discovery on Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks.
Mixed-Initiative Workflow Composition.
Evaluating Consistency Algorithms for Temporal Metric Constraints.
Identifying an Object that is Perceptually Indistinguishable from One Previously Perceived.
A Bayes Net Approach to Argumentation.
Discriminating Among Word Meanings by Identifying Similar Contexts.
Occam's Razor and a Non-Syntactic Measure of Decision Tree Complexity.
Generating 'Random' 3-SAT Instances with Specific Solution Space Structure.
Utilizing Internal State in Multi-Robot Coordination Tasks.
Knowledge State Reconsideration: Hindsight Belief Revision.
Generation of Emotional Behavior for Non-Player Characters - Development of EmoBot for Quake II.
Robust Solutions for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization.
Metrics for Finite Markov Decision Processes.
Semantically Guiding a First-Order Theorem Prover with a Soft Model.
Fuzzy Induction in Dynamic User Profiling for Information Filtering.
A Correspondence Metric for Imitation.
Automatic Generation of Artistic Chinese Calligraphy.
CaBMA: Case-Based Project Management Assistant.
Synthetic Adversaries for Urban Combat Training.
Towards Autonomic Computing: Adaptive Job Routing and Scheduling.
An Application View of COORDINATORS: Coordination Managers for First Responders.
An Explainable Artificial Intelligence System for Small-unit Tactical Behavior.
Artemis: Integrating Scientific Data on the Grid.
Agent-based Simulation of Geo-Political Conflict.
AI Characters and Directors for Interactive Computer Games.
Machine Learning for Adaptive Image Interpretation.
A Robotic Wayfinding System for the Visually Impaired.
Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology.
The Independent LifeStyle AssistantTM (I.L.S.A.): AI Lessons Learned.
Branching Storylines in Virtual Reality Environments for Leadership Development.
A Comparison of Techniques for Scheduling Earth Observing Satellites.
SOFIA's Choice: An AI Approach to Scheduling Airborne Astronomy Observations.
VModel: A Visual Qualitative Modeling Environment for Middle-School Students.
The U.S. National Football League Scheduling Problem.
Detecting and Eliminating the Cascade Vulnerability Problem from Multilevel Security Networks Using Soft Constraints.
The KOJAK Group Finder: Connecting the Dots via Integrated Knowledge-Based and Statistical Reasoning.
Ergonomics Analysis for Vehicle Assembly Using Artificial Intelligence.
Making Better Recommendations with Online Profiling Agents.
The General Motors Variation-Reduction Adviser: Deployment Issues for an AI Application.
Tenth Anniversary of the Plastics Color Formulation Tool.
Just How Mad Are You? Finding Strong and Weak Opinion Clauses.
Mining Opinion Features in Customer Reviews.
Exploring More Realistic Evaluation Measures for Collaborative Filtering.
Solving Generalized Semi-Markov Decision Processes Using Continuous Phase-Type Distributions.
Extending CP-Nets with Stronger Conditional Preference Statements.
mCP Nets: Representing and Reasoning with Preferences of Multiple Agents.
Low-cost Addition of Preferences to DTPs and TCSPs.
Solving Concurrent Markov Decision Processes.
Dynamic Programming for Partially Observable Stochastic Games.
PROBCONS: Probabilistic Consistency-Based Multiple Alignment of Amino Acid Sequences.
A Computational Study of the Kemeny Rule for Preference Aggregation.
Stochastic Local Search for POMDP Controllers.
Structured Duplicate Detection in External-Memory Graph Search.
Space-Efficient Memory-Based Heuristics.
Towards Efficient Sampling: Exploiting Random Walk Strategies.
Simple Search Methods for Finding a Nash Equilibrium.
Temperature Discovery Search.
Best-First Frontier Search with Delayed Duplicate Detection.
A General Solution to the Graph History Interaction Problem.
Compressing Pattern Databases.
Advice Generation from Observed Execution: Abstract Markov Decision Process Learning.
Reinforcement Learning for CPG-Driven Biped Robot.
Interleaving Temporal Planning and Execution in Robotics Domains.
Machine Learning for Fast Quadrupedal Locomotion.
Common Sense Data Acquisition for Indoor Mobile Robots.
Skill Acquisition and Use for a Dynamically-Balancing Soccer Robot.
A Qualitative-Quantitative Methods-Based e-Learning Support System in Economic Education.
Spatial Aggregation for Qualitative Assessment of Scientific Computations.
High-Level Goal Recognition in a Wireless LAN.
Branching and Pruning: An Optimal Temporal POCL Planner Based on Constraint Programming.
Effective Approaches for Partial Satisfaction (Over-Subscription) Planning.
Regression with Respect to Sensing Actions and Partial States.
Shortest Path Discovery Problems: A Framework, Algorithms and Experimental Results.
An Effective Algorithm for Project Scheduling with Arbitrary Temporal Constraints.
Analogical Path Planning.
Continuous Time in a SAT-Based Planner.
Distance Estimates for Planning in the Discrete Belief Space.
Transport Logistics Planning with Service-Level Constraints.
Forward-Chaining Planning in Nondeterministic Domains.
Assessing the Complexity of Plan Recognition.
Regrets Only! Online Stochastic Optimization under Time Constraints.
Generating Safe Assumption-Based Plans for Partially Observable, Nondeterministic Domains.
On the Integration of Grounding Language and Learning Objects.
Perceptually Based Learning of Shape Descriptions for Sketch Recognition.
Reconstruction of 3D Models from Intensity Images and Partial Depth.
Self-Organizing Visual Maps.
A Multi-Resolution Pyramid for Outdoor Robot Terrain Perception.
Large-Scale Map-Making.
Automatically Transforming Symbolic Shape Descriptions for Use in Sketch Recognition.
Rapid Object Recognition from Discriminative Regions of Interest.
Distributed Representation of Syntactic Structure by Tensor Product Representation and Non-Linear Compression.
On the Relationship between Lexical Semantics and Syntax for the Inference of Context-Free Grammars.
Text Classification by Labeling Words.
Identification and Tracing of Ambiguous Names: Discriminative and Generative Approaches.
Interactive Information Extraction with Constrained Conditional Random Fields.
Learning Indexing Patterns from One Language for the Benefit of Others.
Interpreting Loosely Encoded Questions.
Methods for Domain-Independent Information Extraction from the Web: An Experimental Comparison.
Comparing Cognitive and Computational Models of Narrative Structure.
Error Detection and Impact-Sensitive Instance Ranking in Noisy Datasets.
Bayesian Inference on Principal Component Analysis Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
Online Parallel Boosting.
Bayesian Network Classifiers Versus k-NN Classifier Using Sequential Feature Selection.
Learning and Applying Competitive Strategies.
Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines.
Fibring Neural Networks.
On the Optimality of Probability Estimation by Random Decision Trees.
An Ensemble Technique for Stable Learners with Performance Bounds.
Learning Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models with General State Hierarchy.
Negotiation as Mutual Belief Revision.
Evaluating Ontology Cleaning.
Encoding Probabilistic Causal Model in Probabilistic Action Language.
Repeated Observation Models.
Logical Foundations of Negotiation: Outcome, Concession, and Adaptation.
An Instance-Based State Representation for Network Repair.
Loop Formulas for Circumscription.
Towards Higher Impact Argumentation.
Making Argumentation More Believable.
CASEE: A Hierarchical Event Representation for the Analysis of Videos.
Mereological Semantics for Bio-Ontologies.
Conservative Belief Revision.
Scaling Up Reasoning about Actions Using Relational Database Technology.
Using Contracts to Influence the Outcome of a Game.
Methods for Boosting Revenue in Combinatorial Auctions.
Learning Social Preferences in Games.
Computing Shapley Values, Manipulating Value Division Schemes, and Checking Core Membership in Multi-Issue Domains.
Combinatorial Auctions with Structured Item Graphs.
Eliciting Bid Taker Non-price Preferences in (Combinatorial) Auctions.
Tractable Tree Convex Constraint Networks.
Additive versus Multiplicative Clause Weighting for SAT.
Study of Lower Bound Functions for MAX-2-SAT.
The Practice of Approximated Consistency for Knapsack Constraints.
MAX-2-SAT: How Good Is Tabu Search in the Worst-Case?
QUICKXPLAIN: Preferred Explanations and Relaxations for Over-Constrained Problems.
Complete Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability.
Collapsibility and Consistency in Quantified Constraint Satisfaction.
Domain Transmutation in Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Leap Before You Look: An Effective Strategy in an Oversubscribed Scheduling Problem.
Modeling Choices in Quasigroup Completion: SAT vs. CSP.
Hiding Satisfying Assignments: Two Are Better than One.
The Backdoor Key: A Path to Understanding Problem Hardness.
Complexity of Contextual Reasoning.
The Complexity of Global Constraints.
Identifying Linear Causal Effects.
Model Checking Temporal Logics of Knowledge in Distributed Systems.
Adding Time and Intervals to Procedural and Hierarchical Control Specifications.
Logic Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms.
On Odd and Even Cycles in Normal Logic Programs.
Using Performance Profile Trees to Improve Deliberation Control.
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Simple Temporal Problems with Piecewise Constant Domain Preference Functions.
SAT-Based Answer Set Programming.
Implementing a Generalized Version of Resolution.
Low-Knowledge Algorithm Control.
Useful Roles of Emotions in Artificial Agents: A Case Study from Artificial Life.
GROWRANGE: Anytime VCG-Based Mechanisms.
Task Allocation via Self-Organizing Swarm Coalitions in Distributed Mobile Sensor Network.
Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion with Limited Field of View.
Affective Recruitment of Distributed Heterogeneous Agents.
Searching for Stable Mechanisms: Automated Design for Imperfect Players.
Performance Bounded Reinforcement Learning in Strategic Interactions.