
aaai 2005 论文列表

Proceedings, The Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, July 9-13, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Improving Human-Robot Interaction for Remote Robot Operation.
Tekkotsu: A Framework for AIBO Cognitive Robotics.
Using a Sketch Pad Interface for Interacting with a Robot Team.
Toward Affective Cognitive Robots for Human-Robot Interaction.
Indoor Aerial Robot Competition: Challenges in Search and Rescue Applications.
A Brochette of Socially Interactive Robots.
NavBot: The Navigational Search-and-Rescue Robot.
Catoms: Moving Robots Without Moving Parts.
Upending the Uncanny Valley.
Social Tag: Finding the Person with the Pink Hat.
Scavenging with a Laptop Robot.
Robots in an Intelligent Systems Course.
Ready or Not, Here I Come ....
Pyro: An Integrated Environment for Robotics Education.
Low-cost Outdoor Robot Platform for the Penn State Abington Mini Grand Challenge.
The TaskTracker System.
Using the GEMS System for Cancer Diagnosis and Biomarker Discovery from Microarray Gene Expression Data.
SAGA-ML: An Active Learning System for Semiautomated Gameplay Analysis.
Solo: A Cognitive Orthosis.
MGLAIR Agents in Virtual and Other Graphical Environments.
Remote Supervisory Control of a Humanoid Robot.
DiamondHelp: A Collaborative Task Guidance Framework for Complex Devices.
The Proteome Analyst Suite of Automated Function Prediction Tools.
Song Search and Retrieval by Tapping.
Identifying Similar Words and Contexts in Natural Language with SenseClusters.
SenseRelate: : TargetWord-A Generalized Framework for Word Sense Disambiguation.
TIELT: A Testbed for Gaming Environments.
Language Independent Extractive Summarization.
Evolution of an Empathetic Digital Entity: Phase One.
Optimal Rhode Island Hold'em Poker.
Swoogle: Searching for Knowledge on the Semantic Web.
MADbot: A Motivated and Goal Directed Robot.
A Learning and Reasoning System for Intelligence Analysis.
Proving Theorems of Type Theory Automatically with TPS.
The AI Technologies of the Philadelphia Area Urban Wireless Network Testbed.
Building Applications Using End to End Composition of Web Services.
QuOnto: Querying Ontologies.
Improving Reinforcement Learning Function Approximators via Neuroevolution.
Planning for Geospatial Data Integration.
Natural Language Generation for Text-to-Text Applications Using an Information-Slim Representation.
Rover Science Autonomy: Probabilistic Planning for Science-Aware Exploration.
Towards Competence in Autonomous Agents.
Structure Learning for Statistical Relational Models.
Discourse Factors in Multi-Document Summarization.
Concurrent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
Self-Emergence of Structures in Gene Expression Programming.
Adaptive Modeling and Planning for Reactive Agents.
Dynamic Regime Identification and Prediction Based on Observed Behavior in Electronic Marketplaces.
On Boosting Semantic Web Data Access.
Computational Aspects of Mechanism Design.
Learning Source Descriptions for Web Services.
Dissertation in Progress: An Empirical Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Naturalness in Spoken Dialog Systems.
Leveraging Language into Learning.
Towards Truthful Mechanisms for Binary Demand Games: A General Framework.
Approximate Inference of Bayesian Networks through Edge Deletion.
Heuristics for Agent Routing and Itinerary Optimization on Dynamic Networks.
Autonomous Learning of Tool Affordances by a Robot.
Minimizing Environmental Swings with a Recurrent Neural Network Control System.
A Framework for Bayesian Network Mapping.
Evolving AI Opponents in a First-Person-Shooter Video Game.
A Learning Support Method in Qualitative Simulation-Based Economic Education.
Qualitative Dimensions in Question Answering: Extending the Definitional QA Task.
Continuous Speech Recognition Using Modified Stack Decoding Algorithm.
Description Logic-Ground Knowledge Integration and Management.
An Automated Distributed Meeting Scheduler for FCVW Plug-in.
Manufacturing Processes Recognition of Machined Mechanical Parts using SVMs.
Towards Exploiting Duality in Approximate Linear Programming for MDPs.
Boosting Semantic Web Data Access Using Swoogle.
Learning Support Vector Machines from Distributed Data Sources.
Use of Expert Knowledge for Decision Tree Pruning.
Rule Refinement by Domain Experts in Complex Knowledge Bases.
Genre Classification of Web Documents.
DR-Prolog: A System for Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies on the Semantic Web.
On Predicting User Intent.
Mixed-Initiative Approach to Collaboration in the Mathematical Domain.
Autonomous Subgoal Discovery and Hierarchical Abstraction for Reinforcement Learning Using Monte Carlo Method.
Helicopter Routing for Maintaining Remote Sites in Alaska using a Genetic Algorithm.
Machine Learning and Its Application at Nooksack Falls Hydroelectric Station.
A Learning Architecture for Automating the Intelligent Environment.
Managing the Life Cycle of Plans.
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Network Security: Applying Cyc in the Domain of Network Risk Assessment.
The DEFACTO System: Training Tool for Incident Commanders.
Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Multiobjective Optimization of Power Distribution System Operations.
Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data.
Automatically Acquiring Domain Knowledge For Adaptive Game AI Using Evolutionary Learning.
Markov Decision Processes for Control of a Sensor Network-based Health Monitoring System.
A Multi-Agent Simulator for Teaching Police Allocation.
The Deep Space Network Scheduling Problem.
Boosting Sex Identification Performance.
CORMS AI: Decision Support System for Monitoring US Maritime Environment.
NESTA: NASA Engineering Shuttle Telemetry Agent.
TEXTAL™: Automated Crystallographic Protein Structure Determination.
Knowledge-based Interactive Selling of Financial Services with FSAdvisor.
Scheduling Engineering Works for the MTR Corporation in Hong Kong.
Loads-n-Limits and Release-n-Sequence: The "Brains" behind WEPS.
Automating the Underwriting of Insurance Applications.
A Graph Theoretical Foundation for Integrating RDF Ontologies.
Automatic Text Summarization of Newswire: Lessons Learned from the Document Understanding Conference.
Searching for Common Sense: Populating Cyc™ from the Web.
Query Translation Disambiguation as Graph Partitioning.
A Learning-Based Term-Weighting Approach for Information Retrieval.
WebCrow: A Web-Based System for Crossword Solving.
Selection and Ranking of Propositional Formulas for Large-Scale Service Directories.
External-Memory Pattern Databases Using Structured Duplicate Detection.
Partial Pathfinding Using Map Abstraction and Refinement.
Domain-Dependent Parameter Selection of Search-based Algorithms Compatible with User Performance Criteria.
Large-Scale Parallel Breadth-First Search.
Search versus Knowledge for Solving Life and Death Problems in Go.
Backbones and Backdoors in Satisfiability.
Cost-Algebraic Heuristic Search.
The Max K-Armed Bandit: A New Model of Exploration Applied to Search Heuristic Selection.
Speeding Up Learning in Real-time Search via Automatic State Abstraction.
An Algorithm Better than AO*?
Bitbots: Simple Robots Solving Complex Tasks.
Improving Simultaneous Mapping and Localization in 3D Using Global Constraints.
Mobile Robot Mapping and Localization in Non-Static Environments.
Autonomous Color Learning on a Mobile Robot.
Learning to Prevent Failure States for a Dynamically Balancing Robot.
Semantic Place Classification of Indoor Environments with Mobile Robots Using Boosting.
Consciousness: Drinking from the Firehose of Experience.
Heterogeneous Multirobot Coordination with Spatial and Temporal Constraints.
Controlling Tiny Multi-Scale Robots for Nerve Repair.
A Relational Representation for Procedural Task Knowledge.
Tactic-Based Motion Modeling and Multi-Sensor Tracking.
Learning CPG Sensory Feedback with Policy Gradient for Biped Locomotion for a Full-Body Humanoid.
A Multifrontal QR Factorization Approach to Distributed Inference Applied to Multirobot Localization and Mapping.
Recovery Planning for Ambiguous Cases in Perceptual Anchoring.
A Distributed Approach to Passive Localization for Sensor Networks.
Reactive Planning in a Motivated Behavioral Architecture.
Simultaneous Heuristic Search for Conjunctive Subgoals.
Sensor Selection for Active Information Fusion.
Exploiting the Structure of Hierarchical Plans in Temporal Constraint Propagation.
Learning Measures of Progress for Planning Domains.
Conformant Planning for Domains with Constraints-A New Approach.
Planning for Stream Processing Systems.
Exploiting Temporal Flexibility to Obtain High Quality Schedules.
Temporal Dynamic Controllability Revisited.
Augmenting Disjunctive Temporal Problems with Finite-Domain Constraints.
Prottle: A Probabilistic Temporal Planner.
Lazy Approximation for Solving Continuous Finite-Horizon MDPs.
Using Domain-Configurable Search Control for Probabilistic Planning.
New Admissible Heuristics for Domain-Independent Planning.
Fast Planning in Domains with Derived Predicates: An Approach Based on Rule-Action Graphs and Local Search.
Validating Plans in the Context of Processes and Exogenous Events.
Quasi-Monotonic Segmentation of State Variable Behavior for Reactive Control.
Genome Rearrangement and Planning.
State Agnostic Planning Graphs and the Application to Belief-Space Planning.
Capturing Expression Using Linguistic Information.
Spotting Subsequences Matching an HMM Using the Average Observation Probability Criteria with Application to Keyword Spotting.
Dependency Parsing with Dynamic Bayesian Network.
Exploiting Subjectivity Classification to Improve Information Extraction.
Robust Textual Inference Via Learning and Abductive Reasoning.
Word Sense Disambiguation with Semi-Supervised Learning.
Cross-Lingual Bootstrapping of Semantic Lexicons: The Case of FrameNet.
Supervised Ranking for Pronoun Resolution: Some Recent Improvements.
Unsupervised Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation via an Interlingua.
Impact of Linguistic Analysis on the Semantic Graph Coverage and Learning of Document Extracts.
Learning to Transform Natural to Formal Languages.
Clustering and Classifying Person Names by Origin.
A Probabilistic Classification Approach for Lexical Textual Entailment.
An Inference Model for Semantic Entailment in Natural Language.
Scaling Up Word Sense Disambiguation via Parallel Texts.
Planning and Execution with Phase Transitions.
Improving Action Selection in MDP's via Knowledge Transfer.
Modeling Form for On-line Following of Musical Performances.
Geometric Variance Reduction in Markov Chains. Application to Value Function and Gradient Estimation.
Error Bounds for Approximate Value Iteration.
Samuel Meets Amarel: Automating Value Function Approximation Using Global State Space Analysis.
Risk-Sensitive Planning with One-Switch Utility Functions: Value Iteration.
Planning in Models that Combine Memory with Predictive Representations of State.
Extending Continuous Time Bayesian Networks.
Efficient Maximization in Solving POMDPs.
A Particle Filtering Based Approach to Approximating Interactive POMDPs.
Semantic Scene Concept Learning by an Autonomous Agent.
Learning Static Object Segmentation from Motion Segmentation.
Function-Based Classification from 3D Data via Generic and Symbolic Models.
Data-Driven MCMC for Learning and Inference in Switching Linear Dynamic Systems.
A Computational Model of the Cerebral Cortex.
Cross-Modal Clustering.
Finite Sample Error Bound for Parzen Windows.
Hidden Naive Bayes.
Learning Planning Rules in Noisy Stochastic Worlds.
Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Multi-Class Support Vector Machines.
Software Testing by Active Learning for Commercial Games.
Inducing Hierarchical Process Models in Dynamic Domains.
Online Resource Allocation Using Decompositional Reinforcement Learning.
Value Functions for RL-Based Behavior Transfer: A Comparative Study.
Representing Conditional Independence Using Decision Trees.
Discriminative Training of Markov Logic Networks.
Constraint-Based Entity Matching.
A Maximum Likelihood Framework for Integrating Taxonomies.
Enhanced Direct Linear Discriminant Analysis for Feature Extraction on High Dimensional Data.
Spectral Clustering of Biological Sequence Data.
Redescription Mining: Structure Theory and Algorithms.
Online Query Relaxation via Bayesian Causal Structures Discovery.
Distribution-Free Learning of Bayesian Network Structure in Continuous Domains.
Giving Advice about Preferred Actions to Reinforcement Learners Via Knowledge-Based Kernel Regression.
Semi-Supervised Sequence Modeling with Syntactic Topic Models.
The Regularized EM Algorithm.
Using Modified Lasso Regression to Learn Large Undirected Graphs in a Probabilistic Framework.
nFOIL: Integrating Naïve Bayes and FOIL.
Non-Stationary Policy Learning in 2-Player Zero Sum Games.
Effective Short-Term Opponent Exploitation in Simplified Poker.
Transforming between Propositions and Features: Bridging the Gap.
Discriminative Model Selection for Belief Net Structures.
A Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Approach to Semi-Supervised Classifier Design.
Incremental Estimation of Discrete Hidden Markov Models Based on a New Backward Procedure.
Towards Learning Stochastic Logic Programs from Proof-Banks.
Reducing Labeling Effort for Structured Prediction Tasks.
A Comparison of Novel and State-of-the-Art Polynomial Bayesian Network Learning Algorithms.
Discovering Domain-Specific Composite Kernels.
Optimal Efficient Learning Equilibrium: Imperfect Monitoring in Symmetric Games.
Weighted One-Against-All.
Robust Supervised Learning.
A Unified Framework for Representing Logic Program Updates.
Properties of Programs with Monotone and Convex Constraints.
Strong and Uniform Equivalence in Answer-Set Programming: Characterizations and Complexity Results for the Non-Ground Case.
Reasoning about Intended Actions.
A Theory of Forgetting in Logic Programming.
Issues in Reasoning about Interaction Networks in Cells: Necessity of Event Ordering Knowledge.
Diagnosing Terminologies.
Functional Specification of Probabilistic Process Models.
Generalized Link Properties for Expressive epsilon-Connections of Description Logics.
Analysis of Strategic Knowledge in Back of the Envelope Reasoning.
Knowledge Integration for Description Logics.
Tractable Reasoning in First-Order Knowledge Bases with Disjunctive Information.
Only-Knowing: Taking It Beyond Autoepistemic Reasoning.
Cumulative Effects of Concurrent Actions on Numeric-Valued Fluents.
DD-PREF: A Language for Expressing Preferences over Sets.
Merging Argumentation Systems.
An Axiomatic Account of Formal Argumentation.
DL-Lite: Tractable Description Logics for Ontologies.
Prioritized Component Systems.
Practical First-Order Argumentation.
Hybrid Possibilistic Networks.
Using SAT and Logic Programming to Design Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Planning in Non-Deterministic Domains.
Integrating Description Logics and Action Formalisms: First Results.
An Analysis of Knowledge Collected from Volunteer Contributors.
An Analysis of Procedure Learning by Instruction.
Goal-Directed Site-Independent Recommendations from Passive Observations.
Optimal Recommendation Sets: Covering Uncertainty over User Preferences.
On the Evaluation of Dynamic Critiquing: A Large-Scale User Study.
A Decision Theoretic Model for Stress Recognition and User Assistance.
Real-Time Classification of Electromyographic Signals for Robotic Control.
Mathematical Domain Reasoning Tasks in Natural Language Tutorial Dialog on Proofs.
Coalitional Games in Open Anonymous Environments.
Approximate Strategic Reasoning through Hierarchical Reduction of Large Symmetric Games.
Mixed-Integer Programming Methods for Finding Nash Equilibria.
Fast and Compact: A Simple Class of Congestion Games.
A Generalized Strategy Eliminability Criterion and Computational Methods for Applying It.
Performing Bayesian Inference by Weighted Model Counting.
SymChaff: A Structure-Aware Satisfiability Solver.
Constraint-Based Preferential Optimization.
SAT-Based versus CSP-Based Constraint Weighting for Satisfiability.
Superstabilizing, Fault-Containing Distributed Combinatorial Optimization.
Anytime, Complete Algorithm for Finding Utilitarian Optimal Solutions to STPPs.
Generation of Hard Non-Clausal Random Satisfiability Problems.
A Framework for Representing and Solving NP Search Problems.
A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Geospatial Reasoning.
DC-SSAT: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Solving Stochastic Satisfiability Problems Efficiently.
Quick Shaving.
A Fast Arc Consistency Algorithm for n-ary Constraints.
Neighborhood Interchangeability and Dynamic Bundling for Non-Binary Finite CSPs.
Generalized NoGoods in CSPs.
Generating Hard Satisfiable Formulas by Hiding Solutions Deceptively.
Weighted Super Solutions for Constraint Programs.
Finding Diverse and Similar Solutions in Constraint Programming.
Constrained Decision Diagrams.
CSP Properties for Quantified Constraints: Definitions and Complexity.
Old Resolution Meets Modern SLS.
Identifying Direct Causal Effects in Linear Models.
Compact Propositional Encodings of First-Order Theories.
Recommender Systems: Attack Types and Strategies.
Model-Based Monitoring and Diagnosis of Systems with Software-Extended Behavior.
Diagnosis as Approximate Belief State Enumeration for Probabilistic Concurrent Constraint Automata.
Dependency-Directed Reconsideration Belief Base Optimization for Truth Maintenance Systems.
A Discourse Planning Approach to Cinematic Camera Control for Narratives in Virtual Environments.
On Compiling System Models for Faster and More Scalable Diagnosis.
Axiom Schemata as Metalevel Axioms: Model Theory.
Propositional Fragments for Knowledge Compilation and Quantified Boolean Formulae.
Combining Stochastic and Greedy Search in Hybrid Estimation.
The Achilles' Heel of QBF.
Approximating Revenue-Maximizing Combinatorial Auctions.
A New Strategy-Proof Greedy-Allocation Combinatorial Auction Protocol and Its Extension to Open Ascending Auction Protocol.
Expressive Negotiation in Settings with Externalities.
Combinatorial Auctions with k-wise Dependent Valuations.
Mechanism Design for Single-Value Domains.
A Domain-Independent System for Case-Based Task Decomposition without Domain Theories.
Competence Driven Case-Base Mining.
Interactive Knowledge Validation and Query Refinement in CBR.
Complexity-Guided Case Discovery for Case Based Reasoning.
Solving Everyday Physical Reasoning Problems by Analogy Using Sketches.
Analogical Learning of Visual/Conceptual Relationships in Sketches.
Stable Service Placement on Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks: A Heuristic for the Distributed k-Center Problem.
Observation-based Model for BDI-Agents.
Tool Use for Autonomous Agents.
OAR: A Formal Framework for Multi-Agent Negotiation.
Profit Sharing Auction.
Solving the Auction-Based Task Allocation Problem in an Open Environment.
Cooperative Exploration in the Electronic Marketplace.
Distributing Coalitional Value Calculations among Cooperative Agents.
An Ecological Approach to Agent Population Management.
New Approaches to Optimization and Utility Elicitation in Autonomic Computing.
Networked Distributed POMDPs: A Synthesis of Distributed Constraint Optimization and POMDPs.
Modeling Human Behavior for Virtual Training Systems.
Controversial Users Demand Local Trust Metrics: An Experimental Study on Community.
Coordinating Agile Systems through the Model-based Execution of Temporal Plans.
Flexible Teamwork in Behavior-Based Robots.
Towards Model-Based Diagnosis of Coordination Failures.
Anyone but Him: The Complexity of Precluding an Alternative.
Multiple Agent Event Detection and Representation in Videos.
Supporting Collaborative Activity.
Agent-Organized Networks for Multi-Agent Production and Exchange.
The Semantics of Potential Intentions.
An Extended Protocol for Multiple-Issue Concurrent Negotiation.
Robust and Self-Repairing Formation Control for Swarms of Mobile Agents.
Coordination and Adaptation in Impromptu Teams.
Solving DisCSPs with Penalty Driven Search.
Efficient No-Regret Multiagent Learning.
Team Member Reallocation via Tree Pruning.
Activity Recognition through Goal-Based Segmentation.
Unsupervised Activity Recognition Using Automatically Mined Common Sense.
Large-Scale Localization from Wireless Signal Strength.
A Variational Learning Algorithm for the Abstract Hidden Markov Model.
Multiple-Goal Recognition from Low-Level Signals.