
emnlp 2018 论文列表

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Search-Oriented Conversational AI, SCAI@EMNLP 2018, Brussels, Belgium, October 31, 2018.

Retrieve and Refine: Improved Sequence Generation Models For Dialogue.
Why are Sequence-to-Sequence Models So Dull? Understanding the Low-Diversity Problem of Chatbots.
Exploring Named Entity Recognition As an Auxiliary Task for Slot Filling in Conversational Language Understanding.
Embedding Individual Table Columns for Resilient SQL Chatbots.
A Knowledge-Grounded Multimodal Search-Based Conversational Agent.
Data Augmentation for Neural Online Chats Response Selection.
Curriculum Learning Based on Reward Sparseness for Deep Reinforcement Learning of Task Completion Dialogue Management.
Research Challenges in Building a Voice-based Artificial Personal Shopper - Position Paper.
A Reinforcement Learning-driven Translation Model for Search-Oriented Conversational Systems.
A Methodology for Evaluating Interaction Strategies of Task-Oriented Conversational Agents.
Building Dialogue Structure from Discourse Tree of a Question.
Autonomous Sub-domain Modeling for Dialogue Policy with Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Neural Response Ranking for Social Conversation: A Data-Efficient Approach.