
emnlp 2019 论文列表

Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019, Hong Kong, China, November 3-7, 2019.

Context-Aware Conversation Thread Detection in Multi-Party Chat.
RUN through the Streets: A New Dataset and Baseline Models for Realistic Urban Navigation.
Towards Machine Reading for Interventions from Humanitarian-Assistance Program Literature.
Spelling-Aware Construction of Macaronic Texts for Teaching Foreign-Language Vocabulary.
Using Clinical Notes with Time Series Data for ICU Management.
SoftRegex: Generating Regex from Natural Language Descriptions using Softened Regex Equivalence.
Cross-lingual intent classification in a low resource industrial setting.
STANCY: Stance Classification Based on Consistency Cues.
Generating Natural Anagrams: Towards Language Generation Under Hard Combinatorial Constraints.
Telling the Whole Story: A Manually Annotated Chinese Dataset for the Analysis of Humor in Jokes.
What Matters for Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition: An Empirical Analysis.
Neural News Recommendation with Multi-Head Self-Attention.
EDA: Easy Data Augmentation Techniques for Boosting Performance on Text Classification Tasks.
Embedding Lexical Features via Tensor Decomposition for Small Sample Humor Recognition.
Restoring ancient text using deep learning: a case study on Greek epigraphy.
Charge-Based Prison Term Prediction with Deep Gating Network.
Investigating Sports Commentator Bias within a Large Corpus of American Football Broadcasts.
Incorporating Label Dependencies in Multilabel Stance Detection.
In Plain Sight: Media Bias Through the Lens of Factual Reporting.
A deep-learning framework to detect sarcasm targets.
Adversarial Removal of Demographic Attributes Revisited.
Interpretable Word Embeddings via Informative Priors.
Label Embedding using Hierarchical Structure of Labels for Twitter Classification.
Learning to Flip the Sentiment of Reviews from Non-Parallel Corpora.
A Robust Self-Learning Framework for Cross-Lingual Text Classification.
Multi-Task Stance Detection with Sentiment and Stance Lexicons.
DENS: A Dataset for Multi-class Emotion Analysis.
Learning with Noisy Labels for Sentence-level Sentiment Classification.
A Challenge Dataset and Effective Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis.
Revealing and Predicting Online Persuasion Strategy with Elementary Units.
Weakly Supervised Attention Networks for Entity Recognition.
CaRB: A Crowdsourced Benchmark for Open IE.
ner and pos when nothing is capitalized.
FewRel 2.0: Towards More Challenging Few-Shot Relation Classification.
Multi-Task Learning for Chemical Named Entity Recognition with Chemical Compound Paraphrasing.
"A Buster Keaton of Linguistics": First Automated Approaches for the Extraction of Vossian Antonomasia.
Gazetteer-Enhanced Attentive Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition.
Cross-Sentence N-ary Relation Extraction using Lower-Arity Universal Schemas.
Combining Spans into Entities: A Neural Two-Stage Approach for Recognizing Discontiguous Entities.
Improving Fine-grained Entity Typing with Entity Linking.
An Improved Neural Baseline for Temporal Relation Extraction.
An Attentive Fine-Grained Entity Typing Model with Latent Type Representation.
Detect Camouflaged Spam Content via StoneSkipping: Graph and Text Joint Embedding for Chinese Character Variation Representation.
Constraint-based Learning of Phonological Processes.
Set to Ordered Text: Generating Discharge Instructions from Medical Billing Codes.
Generating Classical Chinese Poems from Vernacular Chinese.
A Modular Architecture for Unsupervised Sarcasm Generation.
Exploring Human Gender Stereotypes with Word Association Test.
Learning to Copy for Automatic Post-Editing.
Mask-Predict: Parallel Decoding of Conditional Masked Language Models.
The FLORES Evaluation Datasets for Low-Resource Machine Translation: Nepali-English and Sinhala-English.
Incorporating Domain Knowledge into Medical NLI using Knowledge Graphs.
Evaluating BERT for natural language inference: A case study on the CommitmentBank.
WIQA: A dataset for "What if..." reasoning over procedural text.
Pre-Training BERT on Domain Resources for Short Answer Grading.
What Does This Word Mean? Explaining Contextualized Embeddings with Natural Language Definition.
Aggregating Bidirectional Encoder Representations Using MatchLSTM for Sequence Matching.
Do Nuclear Submarines Have Nuclear Captains? A Challenge Dataset for Commonsense Reasoning over Adjectives and Objects.
Clause-Wise and Recursive Decoding for Complex and Cross-Domain Text-to-SQL Generation.
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Distributional Semantic Rewards for Abstractive Summarization.
Question-type Driven Question Generation.
Learning Rhyming Constraints using Structured Adversaries.
Countering the Effects of Lead Bias in News Summarization via Multi-Stage Training and Auxiliary Losses.
An Empirical Comparison on Imitation Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Paraphrase Generation.
SUM-QE: a BERT-based Summary Quality Estimation Model.
Generating Modern Poetry Automatically in Finnish.
Abstract Text Summarization: A Low Resource Challenge.
Improving Neural Story Generation by Targeted Common Sense Grounding.
Generating Highly Relevant Questions.
Generating Personalized Recipes from Historical User Preferences.
Query-focused Sentence Compression in Linear Time.
Polly Want a Cracker: Analyzing Performance of Parroting on Paraphrase Generation Datasets.
A Gated Self-attention Memory Network for Answer Selection.
Giving BERT a Calculator: Finding Operations and Arguments with Reading Comprehension.
QuaRTz: An Open-Domain Dataset of Qualitative Relationship Questions.
Zero-shot Reading Comprehension by Cross-lingual Transfer Learning with Multi-lingual Language Representation Model.
Quoref: A Reading Comprehension Dataset with Questions Requiring Coreferential Reasoning.
Can You Unpack That? Learning to Rewrite Questions-in-Context.
Improving Answer Selection and Answer Triggering using Hard Negatives.
Answering Conversational Questions on Structured Data without Logical Forms.
Machine Reading Comprehension Using Structural Knowledge Graph-aware Network.
MICRON: Multigranular Interaction for Contextualizing RepresentatiON in Non-factoid Question Answering.
A Span-Extraction Dataset for Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension.
Multi-passage BERT: A Globally Normalized BERT Model for Open-domain Question Answering.
Revisiting the Evaluation of Theory of Mind through Question Answering.
GeoSQA: A Benchmark for Scenario-based Question Answering in the Geography Domain at High School Level.
Sunny and Dark Outside?! Improving Answer Consistency in VQA through Entailed Question Generation.
Feature2Vec: Distributional semantic modelling of human property knowledge.
Text Genre and Training Data Size in Human-like Parsing.
Higher-order Comparisons of Sentence Encoder Representations.
Quantity doesn't buy quality syntax with neural language models.
What Part of the Neural Network Does This? Understanding LSTMs by Measuring and Dissecting Neurons.
Event Causality Recognition Exploiting Multiple Annotators' Judgments and Background Knowledge.
Linguistic Versus Latent Relations for Modeling Coherent Flow in Paragraphs.
BERT for Coreference Resolution: Baselines and Analysis.
Split or Merge: Which is Better for Unsupervised RST Parsing?
Next Sentence Prediction helps Implicit Discourse Relation Classification within and across Domains.
Entity, Relation, and Event Extraction with Contextualized Span Representations.
HMEAE: Hierarchical Modular Event Argument Extraction.
Coverage of Information Extraction from Sentences and Paragraphs.
Event Detection with Multi-Order Graph Convolution and Aggregated Attention.
Minimally Supervised Learning of Affective Events Using Discourse Relations.
Reporting the Unreported: Event Extraction for Analyzing the Local Representation of Hate Crimes.
Automatically Inferring Gender Associations from Language.
Perturbation Sensitivity Analysis to Detect Unintended Model Biases.
Quantifying the Semantic Core of Gender Systems.
Multilingual Grammar Induction with Continuous Language Identification.
Cross-Lingual BERT Transformation for Zero-Shot Dependency Parsing.
Working Hard or Hardly Working: Challenges of Integrating Typology into Neural Dependency Parsers.
Hint-Based Training for Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation.
MultiFiT: Efficient Multi-lingual Language Model Fine-tuning.
Simple and Effective Noisy Channel Modeling for Neural Machine Translation.
Understanding Data Augmentation in Neural Machine Translation: Two Perspectives towards Generalization.
Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Via Convolution over Dependency Tree.
The Role of Pragmatic and Discourse Context in Determining Argument Impact.
Sequential Learning of Convolutional Features for Effective Text Classification.
Context-aware Interactive Attention for Multi-modal Sentiment and Emotion Analysis.
Fine-Grained Analysis of Propaganda in News Article.
Automatic Argument Quality Assessment - New Datasets and Methods.
A Knowledge Regularized Hierarchical Approach for Emotion Cause Analysis.
Rethinking Attribute Representation and Injection for Sentiment Classification.
A Dataset of General-Purpose Rebuttal.
Human-Like Decision Making: Document-level Aspect Sentiment Classification via Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
A Novel Aspect-Guided Deep Transition Model for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis.
Domain-Invariant Feature Distillation for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification.
Shallow Domain Adaptive Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis.
From the Token to the Review: A Hierarchical Multimodal approach to Opinion Mining.
Leveraging Structural and Semantic Correspondence for Attribute-Oriented Aspect Sentiment Discovery.
LexicalAT: Lexical-Based Adversarial Reinforcement Training for Robust Sentiment Classification.
Specificity-Driven Cascading Approach for Unsupervised Sentiment Modification.
Emotion Detection with Neural Personal Discrimination.
Capsule Network with Interactive Attention for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification.
Learning Explicit and Implicit Structures for Targeted Sentiment Analysis.
Syntax-Aware Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Graph Attention Networks.
Modeling Graph Structure in Transformer for Better AMR-to-Text Generation.
Model-based Interactive Semantic Parsing: A Unified Framework and A Text-to-SQL Case Study.
JuICe: A Large Scale Distantly Supervised Dataset for Open Domain Context-based Code Generation.
Learning Programmatic Idioms for Scalable Semantic Parsing.
Capturing Argument Interaction in Semantic Role Labeling with Capsule Networks.
Data-Anonymous Encoding for Text-to-SQL Generation.
Transfer Fine-Tuning: A BERT Case Study.
A Syntax-aware Multi-task Learning Framework for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling.
Bridging the Gap between Relevance Matching and Semantic Matching for Short Text Similarity Modeling.
Cloze-driven Pretraining of Self-attention Networks.
Syntax-aware Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling.
Editing-Based SQL Query Generation for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Questions.
Text2Math: End-to-end Parsing Text into Math Expressions.
A Split-and-Recombine Approach for Follow-up Query Analysis.
Do NLP Models Know Numbers? Probing Numeracy in Embeddings.
Improved Word Sense Disambiguation Using Pre-Trained Contextualized Word Representations.
Weakly Supervised Cross-lingual Semantic Relation Classification via Knowledge Distillation.
Examining Gender Bias in Languages with Grammatical Gender.
It's All in the Name: Mitigating Gender Bias with Name-Based Counterfactual Data Substitution.
MulCode: A Multiplicative Multi-way Model for Compressing Neural Language Model.
Multiplex Word Embeddings for Selectional Preference Acquisition.
On Efficient Retrieval of Top Similarity Vectors.
Document Hashing with Mixture-Prior Generative Models.
Adversarial Reprogramming of Text Classification Neural Networks.
A Context-based Framework for Modeling the Role and Function of On-line Resource Citations in Scientific Literature.
Human-grounded Evaluations of Explanation Methods for Text Classification.
TuckER: Tensor Factorization for Knowledge Graph Completion.
Open Domain Web Keyphrase Extraction Beyond Language Modeling.
A Little Annotation does a Lot of Good: A Study in Bootstrapping Low-resource Named Entity Recognizers.
CrossWeigh: Training Named Entity Tagger from Imperfect Annotations.
DEBUG: A Dense Bottom-Up Grounding Approach for Natural Language Video Localization.
YouMakeup: A Large-Scale Domain-Specific Multimodal Dataset for Fine-Grained Semantic Comprehension.
What You See is What You Get: Visual Pronoun Coreference Resolution in Dialogues.
Phrase Grounding by Soft-Label Chain Conditional Random Field.
LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers.
A Topic Augmented Text Generation Model: Joint Learning of Semantics and Structural Features.
Read, Attend and Comment: A Deep Architecture for Automatic News Comment Generation.
Answer-guided and Semantic Coherent Question Generation in Open-domain Conversation.
Encode, Tag, Realize: High-Precision Text Editing.
Counterfactual Story Reasoning and Generation.
Enhancing Dialogue Symptom Diagnosis with Global Attention and Symptom Graph.
Subword Language Model for Query Auto-Completion.
PRADO: Projection Attention Networks for Document Classification On-Device.
Modeling the Relationship between User Comments and Edits in Document Revision.
Practical Correlated Topic Modeling and Analysis via the Rectified Anchor Word Algorithm.
Learning to Infer Entities, Properties and their Relations from Clinical Conversations.
Fine-Grained Entity Typing via Hierarchical Multi Graph Convolutional Networks.
Stick to the Facts: Learning towards a Fidelity-oriented E-Commerce Product Description Generation.
Question Answering for Privacy Policies: Combining Computational and Legal Perspectives.
Semi-supervised Text Style Transfer: Cross Projection in Latent Space.
Connecting the Dots: Document-level Neural Relation Extraction with Edge-oriented Graphs.
A Neural Citation Count Prediction Model based on Peer Review Text.
Learning to Discriminate Perturbations for Blocking Adversarial Attacks in Text Classification.
Event Representation Learning Enhanced with External Commonsense Knowledge.
Reviews Meet Graphs: Enhancing User and Item Representations for Recommendation with Hierarchical Attentive Graph Neural Network.
Neural News Recommendation with Heterogeneous User Behavior.
Leveraging Medical Literature for Section Prediction in Electronic Health Records.
Recursive Context-Aware Lexical Simplification.
News2vec: News Network Embedding with Subnode Information.
Comparing and Developing Tools to Measure the Readability of Domain-Specific Texts.
Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Semi-supervised Short Text Classification.
Domain Adaptation for Person-Job Fit with Transferable Deep Global Match Network.
Reconstructing Capsule Networks for Zero-shot Intent Classification.
Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity.
CodeSwitch-Reddit: Exploration of Written Multilingual Discourse in Online Discussion Forums.
Detecting and Reducing Bias in a High Stakes Domain.
A Benchmark Dataset for Learning to Intervene in Online Hate Speech.
Trouble on the Horizon: Forecasting the Derailment of Online Conversations as they Develop.
A Hierarchical Location Prediction Neural Network for Twitter User Geolocation.
Adaptive Ensembling: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Political Document Analysis.
You Shall Know a User by the Company It Keeps: Dynamic Representations for Social Media Users in NLP.
A Deep Neural Information Fusion Architecture for Textual Network Embeddings.
MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims.
Multilingual and Multi-Aspect Hate Speech Analysis.
Detecting Causal Language Use in Science Findings.
Text-based inference of moral sentiment change.
Different Absorption from the Same Sharing: Sifted Multi-task Learning for Fake News Detection.
Neural Conversation Recommendation with Online Interaction Modeling.
Integrating Text and Image: Determining Multimodal Document Intent in Instagram Posts.
Leveraging Just a Few Keywords for Fine-Grained Aspect Detection Through Weakly Supervised Co-Training.
CAN: Constrained Attention Networks for Multi-Aspect Sentiment Analysis.
Transferable End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Selective Adversarial Learning.
Coupling Global and Local Context for Unsupervised Aspect Extraction.
Aspect-based Sentiment Classification with Aspect-specific Graph Convolutional Networks.
Task-Oriented Conversation Generation Using Heterogeneous Memory Networks.
GECOR: An End-to-End Generative Ellipsis and Co-reference Resolution Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue.
Build it Break it Fix it for Dialogue Safety: Robustness from Adversarial Human Attack.
Multi-Domain Goal-Oriented Dialogues (MultiDoGO): Strategies toward Curating and Annotating Large Scale Dialogue Data.
Taskmaster-1: Toward a Realistic and Diverse Dialog Dataset.
CLUTRR: A Diagnostic Benchmark for Inductive Reasoning from Text.
Everything Happens for a Reason: Discovering the Purpose of Actions in Procedural Text.
Posing Fair Generalization Tasks for Natural Language Inference.
Self-Assembling Modular Networks for Interpretable Multi-Hop Reasoning.
Social IQa: Commonsense Reasoning about Social Interactions.
Jointly Learning to Align and Translate with Transformer Models.
Contrastive Language Adaptation for Cross-Lingual Stance Detection.
Aligning Cross-Lingual Entities with Multi-Aspect Information.
Weakly-Supervised Concept-based Adversarial Learning for Cross-lingual Word Embeddings.
Do We Really Need Fully Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Embeddings?
The Bottom-up Evolution of Representations in the Transformer: A Study with Machine Translation and Language Modeling Objectives.
Countering Language Drift via Visual Grounding.
Machine Translation With Weakly Paired Documents.
Revealing the Dark Secrets of BERT.
Learning to Learn and Predict: A Meta-Learning Approach for Multi-Label Classification.
Transformer Dissection: An Unified Understanding for Transformer's Attention via the Lens of Kernel.
Neural Gaussian Copula for Variational Autoencoder.
Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression.
Identifying and Explaining Discriminative Attributes.
WikiCREM: A Large Unsupervised Corpus for Coreference Resolution.
Compositional Generalization for Primitive Substitutions.
FlowSeq: Non-Autoregressive Conditional Sequence Generation with Generative Flow.
ARAML: A Stable Adversarial Training Framework for Text Generation.
Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction.
Learning Latent Parameters without Human Response Patterns: Item Response Theory with Artificial Crowds.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Contextualized Embeddings for Sequence Labeling.
Distributionally Robust Language Modeling.
Meta Relational Learning for Few-Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs.
Exploiting Monolingual Data at Scale for Neural Machine Translation.
Fine-grained Knowledge Fusion for Sequence Labeling Domain Adaptation.
Using Local Knowledge Graph Construction to Scale Seq2Seq Models to Multi-Document Inputs.
Language Modeling for Code-Switching: Evaluation, Integration of Monolingual Data, and Discriminative Training.
Learning to Ask for Conversational Machine Learning.
Topics to Avoid: Demoting Latent Confounds in Text Classification.
Visualizing and Understanding the Effectiveness of BERT.
Certified Robustness to Adversarial Word Substitutions.
Hierarchically-Refined Label Attention Network for Sequence Labeling.
Experimenting with Power Divergences for Language Modeling.
Rethinking Cooperative Rationalization: Introspective Extraction and Complement Control.
Achieving Verified Robustness to Symbol Substitutions via Interval Bound Propagation.
Don't Take the Easy Way Out: Ensemble Based Methods for Avoiding Known Dataset Biases.
Sampling Bias in Deep Active Classification: An Empirical Study.
Enhancing Variational Autoencoders with Mutual Information Neural Estimation for Text Generation.
Auditing Deep Learning processes through Kernel-based Explanatory Models.
Nearly-Unsupervised Hashcode Representations for Biomedical Relation Extraction.
Dialog Intent Induction with Deep Multi-View Clustering.
Denoising based Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Text Generation.
Learning Only from Relevant Keywords and Unlabeled Documents.
Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks.
Judge the Judges: A Large-Scale Evaluation Study of Neural Language Models for Online Review Generation.
Text Emotion Distribution Learning from Small Sample: A Meta-Learning Approach.
Implicit Deep Latent Variable Models for Text Generation.
Style Transfer for Texts: Retrain, Report Errors, Compare with Rewrites.
A Logic-Driven Framework for Consistency of Neural Models.
Benchmarking Zero-shot Text Classification: Datasets, Evaluation and Entailment Approach.
Induction Networks for Few-Shot Text Classification.
ProSeqo: Projection Sequence Networks for On-Device Text Classification.
Combining Unsupervised Pre-training and Annotator Rationales to Improve Low-shot Text Classification.
Cross-Cultural Transfer Learning for Text Classification.
Dependency-Guided LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition.
Easy First Relation Extraction with Information Redundancy.
Looking Beyond Label Noise: Shifted Label Distribution Matters in Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction.
Leverage Lexical Knowledge for Chinese Named Entity Recognition via Collaborative Graph Network.
Improving Distantly-Supervised Relation Extraction with Joint Label Embedding.
Don't paraphrase, detect! Rapid and Effective Data Collection for Semantic Parsing.
Core Semantic First: A Top-down Approach for AMR Parsing.
Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing as Transduction.
Learning Semantic Parsers from Denotations with Latent Structured Alignments and Abstract Programs.
Improving Latent Alignment in Text Summarization by Generalizing the Pointer Generator.
BottleSum: Unsupervised and Self-supervised Sentence Summarization using the Information Bottleneck Principle.
How to Write Summaries with Patterns? Learning towards Abstractive Summarization through Prototype Editing.
Text Summarization with Pretrained Encoders.
Summary Cloze: A New Task for Content Selection in Topic-Focused Summarization.
TalkDown: A Corpus for Condescension Detection in Context.
Emergent Linguistic Phenomena in Multi-Agent Communication Games.
Pretrained Language Models for Sequential Sentence Classification.
PAWS-X: A Cross-lingual Adversarial Dataset for Paraphrase Identification.
A Search-based Neural Model for Biomedical Nested and Overlapping Event Detection.
Efficient Sentence Embedding using Discrete Cosine Transform.
Transductive Learning of Neural Language Models for Syntactic and Semantic Analysis.
Global Reasoning over Database Structures for Text-to-SQL Parsing.
A Pilot Study for Chinese SQL Semantic Parsing.
PaLM: A Hybrid Parser and Language Model.
Data Augmentation with Atomic Templates for Spoken Language Understanding.
Small and Practical BERT Models for Sequence Labeling.
Combining Global Sparse Gradients with Local Gradients in Distributed Neural Network Training.
Humor Detection: A Transformer Gets the Last Laugh.
SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text.
A Surprisingly Effective Fix for Deep Latent Variable Modeling of Text.
Single Training Dimension Selection for Word Embedding with PCA.
Using Pairwise Occurrence Information to Improve Knowledge Graph Completion on Large-Scale Datasets.
Improved Differentiable Architecture Search for Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition.
Multiple Text Style Transfer by using Word-level Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with Two-Phase Training.
Harnessing Pre-Trained Neural Networks with Rules for Formality Style Transfer.
Out-of-Domain Detection for Low-Resource Text Classification Tasks.
A Multi-Pairwise Extension of Procrustes Analysis for Multilingual Word Translation.
Feature-Dependent Confusion Matrices for Low-Resource NER Labeling with Noisy Labels.
Fine-tune BERT with Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism.
Hierarchical Meta-Embeddings for Code-Switching Named Entity Recognition.
SyntagNet: Challenging Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with Lexical-Semantic Combinations.
Don't Just Scratch the Surface: Enhancing Word Representations for Korean with Hanja.
Bridging the Defined and the Defining: Exploiting Implicit Lexical Semantic Relations in Definition Modeling.
Leveraging Adjective-Noun Phrasing Knowledge for Comparison Relation Prediction in Text-to-SQL.
GlossBERT: BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Knowledge.
Rotate King to get Queen: Word Relationships as Orthogonal Transformations in Embedding Space.
The Challenges of Optimizing Machine Translation for Low Resource Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
Cross-Domain Modeling of Sentence-Level Evidence for Document Retrieval.
Modelling Stopping Criteria for Search Results using Poisson Processes.
Neural Topic Model with Reinforcement Learning.
Evaluating Topic Quality with Posterior Variability.
Visual Detection with Context for Document Layout Analysis.
Delta-training: Simple Semi-Supervised Text Classification using Pretrained Word Embeddings.
Semantic Relatedness Based Re-ranker for Text Spotting.
Text Level Graph Neural Network for Text Classification.
A Label Informative Wide & Deep Classifier for Patents and Papers.
Investigating Dynamic Routing in Tree-Structured LSTM for Sentiment Analysis.
Recognizing Conflict Opinions in Aspect-level Sentiment Classification with Dual Attention Networks.
Towards Debiasing Fact Verification Models.
On the Importance of Delexicalization for Fact Verification.
The Woman Worked as a Babysitter: On Biases in Language Generation.
Autoregressive Text Generation Beyond Feedback Loops.
Multi-Task Learning with Language Modeling for Question Generation.
Pun-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network for Pun Generation.
How Reasonable are Common-Sense Reasoning Tasks: A Case-Study on the Winograd Schema Challenge and SWAG.
Adapting Meta Knowledge Graph Information for Multi-Hop Reasoning over Few-Shot Relations.
QAInfomax: Learning Robust Question Answering System by Mutual Information Maximization.
"Going on a vacation" takes longer than "Going for a walk": A Study of Temporal Commonsense Understanding.
On NMT Search Errors and Model Errors: Cat Got Your Tongue?
Synchronously Generating Two Languages with Interactive Decoding.
Towards Realistic Practices In Low-Resource Natural Language Processing: The Development Set.
Lost in Evaluation: Misleading Benchmarks for Bilingual Dictionary Induction.
Earlier Isn't Always Better: Sub-aspect Analysis on Corpus and System Biases in Summarization.
Let's Ask Again: Refine Network for Automatic Question Generation.
Domain Adaptive Text Style Transfer.
Neural Extractive Text Summarization with Syntactic Compression.
An Entity-Driven Framework for Abstractive Summarization.
"Transforming" Delete, Retrieve, Generate Approach for Controlled Text Style Transfer.
Long and Diverse Text Generation with Planning-based Hierarchical Variational Model.
Answers Unite! Unsupervised Metrics for Reinforced Summarization Models.
Towards Controllable and Personalized Review Generation.
Deep Copycat Networks for Text-to-Text Generation.
Improving Question Generation With to the Point Context.
Toward a Task of Feedback Comment Generation for Writing Learning.
Keeping Consistency of Sentence Generation and Document Classification with Multi-Task Learning.
Enhancing AMR-to-Text Generation with Dual Graph Representations.
Exploring Diverse Expressions for Paraphrase Generation.
Referring Expression Generation Using Entity Profiles.
Subtopic-driven Multi-Document Summarization.
Table-to-Text Generation with Effective Hierarchical Encoder on Three Dimensions (Row, Column and Time).
An End-to-End Generative Architecture for Paraphrase Generation.
Mixture Content Selection for Diverse Sequence Generation.
Better Rewards Yield Better Summaries: Learning to Summarise Without References.
IMaT: Unsupervised Text Attribute Transfer via Iterative Matching and Translation.
Surface Realisation Using Full Delexicalisation.
Concept Pointer Network for Abstractive Summarization.
Clickbait? Sensational Headline Generation with Auto-tuned Reinforcement Learning.
NCLS: Neural Cross-Lingual Summarization.
Contrastive Attention Mechanism for Abstractive Sentence Summarization.
Reading Like HER: Human Reading Inspired Extractive Summarization.
Enhancing Neural Data-To-Text Generation Models with External Background Knowledge.
Extractive Summarization of Long Documents by Combining Global and Local Context.
Attribute-aware Sequence Network for Review Summarization.
Weakly Supervised Multilingual Causality Extraction from Wikipedia.
A Regularization Approach for Incorporating Event Knowledge and Coreference Relations into Neural Discourse Parsing.
Evaluating Pronominal Anaphora in Machine Translation: An Evaluation Measure and a Test Suite.
Nonsense!: Quality Control via Two-Step Reason Selection for Annotating Local Acceptability and Related Attributes in News Editorials.
Evaluating adversarial attacks against multiple fact verification systems.
AMPERSAND: Argument Mining for PERSuAsive oNline Discussions.
Modeling Frames in Argumentation.
What Gets Echoed? Understanding the "Pointers" in Explanations of Persuasive Arguments.
Towards Zero-shot Language Modeling.
Representation of Constituents in Neural Language Models: Coordination Phrase as a Case Study.
Investigating BERT's Knowledge of Language: Five Analysis Methods with NPIs.
Is the Red Square Big? MALeViC: Modeling Adjectives Leveraging Visual Contexts.
A Discrete Hard EM Approach for Weakly Supervised Question Answering.
Learning with Limited Data for Multilingual Reading Comprehension.
KagNet: Knowledge-Aware Graph Networks for Commonsense Reasoning.
What's Missing: A Knowledge Gap Guided Approach for Multi-hop Question Answering.
Interactive Language Learning by Question Answering.
75 Languages, 1 Model: Parsing Universal Dependencies Universally.
Semantic graph parsing with recurrent neural network DAG grammars.
Deep Contextualized Word Embeddings in Transition-Based and Graph-Based Dependency Parsing - A Tale of Two Parsers Revisited.
Specializing Word Embeddings (for Parsing) by Information Bottleneck.
Designing and Interpreting Probes with Control Tasks.
Semi-supervised Entity Alignment via Joint Knowledge Embedding Model and Cross-graph Model.
Query-focused Scenario Construction.
Keep Calm and Switch On! Preserving Sentiment and Fluency in Semantic Text Exchange.
Asynchronous Deep Interaction Network for Natural Language Inference.
Modeling Event Background for If-Then Commonsense Reasoning Using Context-aware Variational Autoencoder.
Collaborative Policy Learning for Open Knowledge Graph Reasoning.
Representation Learning with Ordered Relation Paths for Knowledge Graph Completion.
Original Semantics-Oriented Attention and Deep Fusion Network for Sentence Matching.
DIVINE: A Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Framework for Knowledge Graph Reasoning.
Learning to Update Knowledge Graphs by Reading News.
Incorporating Graph Attention Mechanism into Knowledge Graph Reasoning Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Leveraging Frequent Query Substructures to Generate Formal Queries for Complex Question Answering.
NL2pSQL: Generating Pseudo-SQL Queries from Under-Specified Natural Language Questions.
Answering Complex Open-domain Questions Through Iterative Query Generation.
Quick and (not so) Dirty: Unsupervised Selection of Justification Sentences for Multi-hop Question Answering.
PubMedQA: A Dataset for Biomedical Research Question Answering.
Revealing the Importance of Semantic Retrieval for Machine Reading at Scale.
Discourse-Aware Semantic Self-Attention for Narrative Reading Comprehension.
Answering questions by learning to rank - Learning to rank by answering questions.
Incorporating External Knowledge into Machine Reading for Generative Question Answering.
Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Machine Reading Comprehension.
Addressing Semantic Drift in Question Generation for Semi-Supervised Question Answering.
Unicoder: A Universal Language Encoder by Pre-training with Multiple Cross-lingual Tasks.
NumNet: Machine Reading Comprehension with Numerical Reasoning.
Language Models as Knowledge Bases?
BiPaR: A Bilingual Parallel Dataset for Multilingual and Cross-lingual Reading Comprehension on Novels.
Multi-Task Learning for Conversational Question Answering over a Large-Scale Knowledge Base.
Generating Questions for Knowledge Bases via Incorporating Diversified Contexts and Answer-Aware Loss.
A Non-commutative Bilinear Model for Answering Path Queries in Knowledge Graphs.
Ranking and Sampling in Open-Domain Question Answering.
Finding Generalizable Evidence by Learning to Convince Q&A Models.
Cosmos QA: Machine Reading Comprehension with Contextual Commonsense Reasoning.
PullNet: Open Domain Question Answering with Iterative Retrieval on Knowledge Bases and Text.
Tree-structured Decoding for Solving Math Word Problems.
Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Text Anonymization against Private-Attribute Inference.
Training Data Augmentation for Detecting Adverse Drug Reactions in User-Generated Content.
Identifying Predictive Causal Factors from News Streams.
Uncover Sexual Harassment Patterns from Personal Stories by Joint Key Element Extraction and Categorization.
The Myth of Double-Blind Review Revisited: ACL vs. EMNLP.
Predicting Discourse Structure using Distant Supervision from Sentiment.
Weak Supervision for Learning Discourse Structure.
Neural Generative Rhetorical Structure Parsing.
Topic-Guided Coherence Modeling for Sentence Ordering by Preserving Global and Local Information.
A Unified Neural Coherence Model.
Negative Focus Detection via Contextual Attention Mechanism.
Modeling Color Terminology Across Thousands of Languages.
How well do NLI models capture verb veridicality?
Modelling the interplay of metaphor and emotion through multitask learning.
Cross-lingual Semantic Specialization via Lexical Relation Induction.
A Deep Factorization of Style and Structure in Fonts.
Show Your Work: Improved Reporting of Experimental Results.
Adaptively Sparse Transformers.
To Annotate or Not? Predicting Performance Drop under Domain Shift.
Universal Adversarial Triggers for Attacking and Analyzing NLP.
TIGEr: Text-to-Image Grounding for Image Caption Evaluation.
Fusion of Detected Objects in Text for Visual Question Answering.
Executing Instructions in Situated Collaborative Interactions.
Video Dialog via Progressive Inference and Cross-Transformer.
Fact-Checking Meets Fauxtography: Verifying Claims About Images.
Talk2Car: Taking Control of Your Self-Driving Car.
A Stack-Propagation Framework with Token-Level Intent Detection for Spoken Language Understanding.
Guiding the Flowing of Semantics: Interpretable Video Captioning via POS Tag.
Partners in Crime: Multi-view Sequential Inference for Movie Understanding.
UR-FUNNY: A Multimodal Language Dataset for Understanding Humor.
Unsupervised Discovery of Multimodal Links in Multi-image, Multi-sentence Documents.
Dual Attention Networks for Visual Reference Resolution in Visual Dialog.
Image Captioning with Very Scarce Supervised Data: Adversarial Semi-Supervised Learning Approach.
Low-Rank HOCA: Efficient High-Order Cross-Modal Attention for Video Captioning.
How to Build User Simulators to Train RL-based Dialog Systems.
A Practical Dialogue-Act-Driven Conversation Model for Multi-Turn Response Selection.
CoSQL: A Conversational Text-to-SQL Challenge Towards Cross-Domain Natural Language Interfaces to Databases.
Recommendation as a Communication Game: Self-Supervised Bot-Play for Goal-oriented Dialogue.
Variational Hierarchical User-based Conversation Model.
Modeling Personalization in Continuous Space for Response Generation via Augmented Wasserstein Autoencoders.
A Semi-Supervised Stable Variational Network for Promoting Replier-Consistency in Dialogue Generation.
Who Is Speaking to Whom? Learning to Identify Utterance Addressee in Multi-Party Conversations.
A Discrete CVAE for Response Generation on Short-Text Conversation.
Low-Resource Response Generation with Template Prior.
Scalable and Accurate Dialogue State Tracking via Hierarchical Sequence Generation.
Retrieval-guided Dialogue Response Generation via a Matching-to-Generation Framework.
DyKgChat: Benchmarking Dialogue Generation Grounding on Dynamic Knowledge Graphs.
Dually Interactive Matching Network for Personalized Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots.
Unsupervised Context Rewriting for Open Domain Conversation.
Improving Open-Domain Dialogue Systems via Multi-Turn Incomplete Utterance Restoration.
Structuring Latent Spaces for Stylized Response Generation.
Towards Knowledge-Based Recommender Dialog System.
Adaptive Parameterization for Neural Dialogue Generation.
Knowledge Aware Conversation Generation with Explainable Reasoning over Augmented Graphs.
Hierarchy Response Learning for Neural Conversation Generation.
Are You for Real? Detecting Identity Fraud via Dialogue Interactions.
Multi-Granularity Representations of Dialog.
Data-Efficient Goal-Oriented Conversation with Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks.
Deep Ordinal Regression for Pledge Specificity Prediction.
Latent Suicide Risk Detection on Microblog via Suicide-Oriented Word Embeddings and Layered Attention.
Movie Plot Analysis via Turning Point Identification.
(Male, Bachelor) and (Female, Ph.D) have different connotations: Parallelly Annotated Stylistic Language Dataset with Multiple Personas.
Learning Invariant Representations of Social Media Users.
Reinforced Product Metadata Selection for Helpfulness Assessment of Customer Reviews.
Finding Microaggressions in the Wild: A Case for Locating Elusive Phenomena in Social Media Posts.
The Trumpiest Trump? Identifying a Subject's Most Characteristic Tweets.
Multi-label Categorization of Accounts of Sexism using a Neural Framework.
Multi-View Domain Adapted Sentence Embeddings for Low-Resource Unsupervised Duplicate Question Detection.
Asking Clarification Questions in Knowledge-Based Question Answering.
Neural Duplicate Question Detection without Labeled Training Data.
A Multi-Type Multi-Span Network for Reading Comprehension that Requires Discrete Reasoning.
Cross-Lingual Machine Reading Comprehension.
Hierarchical Modeling of Global Context for Document-Level Neural Machine Translation.
Investigating Multilingual NMT Representations at Scale.
Controlling Text Complexity in Neural Machine Translation.
Simple, Scalable Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation.
Enhancing Context Modeling with a Query-Guided Capsule Network for Document-level Translation.
Span-based Hierarchical Semantic Parsing for Task-Oriented Dialog.
Dependency Parsing for Spoken Dialog Systems.
Unsupervised Labeled Parsing with Deep Inside-Outside Recursive Autoencoders.
Towards Making a Dependency Parser See.
Robust Navigation with Language Pretraining and Stochastic Sampling.
Grounding learning of modifier dynamics: An application to color naming.
WSLLN: Weakly Supervised Natural Language Localization Networks.
REO-Relevance, Extraness, Omission: A Fine-grained Evaluation for Image Captioning.
Decoupled Box Proposal and Featurization with Ultrafine-Grained Semantic Labels Improve Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering.
Multi-Head Attention with Diversity for Learning Grounded Multilingual Multimodal Representations.
Cross-lingual Transfer Learning with Data Selection for Large-Scale Spoken Language Understanding.
Improving Generative Visual Dialog by Answering Diverse Questions.
Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Diacritic Restoration.
Korean Morphological Analysis with Tied Sequence-to-Sequence Multi-Task Model.
Encoders Help You Disambiguate Word Senses in Neural Machine Translation.
A Regularization-based Framework for Bilingual Grammar Induction.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation with Domain-Aware Feature Embeddings.
Exploiting Multilingualism through Multistage Fine-Tuning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation.
Self-Attention with Structural Position Representations.
Speculative Beam Search for Simultaneous Translation.
Handling Syntactic Divergence in Low-resource Machine Translation.
HABLex: Human Annotated Bilingual Lexicons for Experiments in Machine Translation.
Investigating the Effectiveness of BPE: The Power of Shorter Sequences.
Machine Translation for Machines: the Sentiment Classification Use Case.
Recurrent Positional Embedding for Neural Machine Translation.
Adversarial Learning with Contextual Embeddings for Zero-resource Cross-lingual Classification and NER.
Simpler and Faster Learning of Adaptive Policies for Simultaneous Translation.
Vecalign: Improved Sentence Alignment in Linear Time and Space.
Towards Better Modeling Hierarchical Structure for Self-Attention with Ordered Neurons.
Multilingual word translation using auxiliary languages.
uniblock: Scoring and Filtering Corpus with Unicode Block Information.
Automatically Learning Data Augmentation Policies for Dialogue Tasks.
An Evaluation Dataset for Intent Classification and Out-of-Scope Prediction.
Modeling Multi-Action Policy for Task-Oriented Dialogues.
Zero-shot Cross-lingual Dialogue Systems with Transferable Latent Variables.
Sampling Matters! An Empirical Study of Negative Sampling Strategies for Learning of Matching Models in Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems.
CASA-NLU: Context-Aware Self-Attentive Natural Language Understanding for Task-Oriented Chatbots.
A Progressive Model to Enable Continual Learning for Semantic Slot Filling.
Semi-Supervised Bootstrapping of Dialogue State Trackers for Task-Oriented Modelling.
Dirichlet Latent Variable Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder in Dialogue Generation.
Multi-task Learning for Natural Language Generation in Task-Oriented Dialogue.
Towards Extracting Medical Family History from Natural Language Interactions: A New Dataset and Baselines.
Measure Country-Level Socio-Economic Indicators with Streaming News: An Empirical Study.
A Multilingual Topic Model for Learning Weighted Topic Links Across Corpora with Low Comparability.
An Empirical Study of Incorporating Pseudo Data into Grammatical Error Correction.
Rewarding Coreference Resolvers for Being Consistent with World Knowledge.
Attention Optimization for Abstractive Document Summarization.
The Feasibility of Embedding Based Automatic Evaluation for Single Document Summarization.
Neural Linguistic Steganography.
Incorporating Contextual and Syntactic Structures Improves Semantic Similarity Modeling.
Retrofitting Contextualized Word Embeddings with Paraphrases.
Investigating Meta-Learning Algorithms for Low-Resource Natural Language Understanding Tasks.
Analytical Methods for Interpretable Ultradense Word Embeddings.
RNN Architecture Learning with Sparse Regularization.
Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Pretrained Models.
Robust Text Classifier on Test-Time Budgets.
Are We Modeling the Task or the Annotator? An Investigation of Annotator Bias in Natural Language Understanding Datasets.
Variable beam search for generative neural parsing and its relevance for the analysis of neuro-imaging signal.
Similarity Based Auxiliary Classifier for Named Entity Recognition.
Look-up and Adapt: A One-shot Semantic Parser.
Target Language-Aware Constrained Inference for Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing.
A systematic comparison of methods for low-resource dependency parsing on genuinely low-resource languages.
A Bayesian Approach for Sequence Tagging with Crowds.
Entity Projection via Machine Translation for Cross-Lingual NER.
Semantic Role Labeling with Iterative Structure Refinement.
Tree Transformer: Integrating Tree Structures into Self-Attention.
CM-Net: A Novel Collaborative Memory Network for Spoken Language Understanding.
A Lexicon-Based Graph Neural Network for Chinese NER.
Low-Resource Sequence Labeling via Unsupervised Multilingual Contextualized Representations.
Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling with Cross-View Training.
Hierarchical Pointer Net Parsing.
Cross-Lingual Dependency Parsing Using Code-Mixed TreeBank.
Pushing the Limits of Low-Resource Morphological Inflection.
Don't Forget the Long Tail! A Comprehensive Analysis of Morphological Generalization in Bilingual Lexicon Induction.
Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Language Clustering.
Towards Understanding Neural Machine Translation with Word Importance.
Revisit Automatic Error Detection for Wrong and Missing Translation - A Supervised Approach.
Dynamic Past and Future for Neural Machine Translation.
One Model to Learn Both: Zero Pronoun Prediction and Translation.
A Discriminative Neural Model for Cross-Lingual Word Alignment.
Improving Deep Transformer with Depth-Scaled Initialization and Merged Attention.
Multi-Granularity Self-Attention for Neural Machine Translation.
Context-Aware Monolingual Repair for Neural Machine Translation.
Pivot-based Transfer Learning for Neural Machine Translation between Non-English Languages.
Multi-agent Learning for Neural Machine Translation.
Iterative Dual Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation.
Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT.
Supervised and Nonlinear Alignment of Two Embedding Spaces for Dictionary Induction in Low Resourced Languages.
Modeling Multi-mapping Relations for Precise Cross-lingual Entity Alignment.
Towards Linear Time Neural Machine Translation with Capsule Networks.
Improving Back-Translation with Uncertainty-based Confidence Estimation.
Latent Part-of-Speech Sequences for Neural Machine Translation.
Explicit Cross-lingual Pre-training for Unsupervised Machine Translation.
Effective Use of Transformer Networks for Entity Tracking.
KnowledgeNet: A Benchmark Dataset for Knowledge Base Population.
Neural Cross-Lingual Event Detection with Minimal Parallel Resources.
Supervising Unsupervised Open Information Extraction Models.
Fine-Grained Evaluation for Entity Linking.
Neural Naturalist: Generating Fine-Grained Image Comparisons.
Incorporating Visual Semantics into Sentence Representations within a Grounded Space.
Help, Anna! Visual Navigation with Natural Multimodal Assistance via Retrospective Curiosity-Encouraging Imitation Learning.
Learning to Speak and Act in a Fantasy Text Adventure Game.
Extracting Possessions from Social Media: Images Complement Language.
Evaluation Benchmarks and Learning Criteria for Discourse-Aware Sentence Representations.
Parameter-free Sentence Embedding via Orthogonal Basis.
VerbAtlas: a Novel Large-Scale Verbal Semantic Resource and Its Application to Semantic Role Labeling.
Syntax-Enhanced Self-Attention-Based Semantic Role Labeling.
Translate and Label! An Encoder-Decoder Approach for Cross-lingual Semantic Role Labeling.
Sentence-Level Content Planning and Style Specification for Neural Text Generation.
Select and Attend: Towards Controllable Content Selection in Text Generation.
MoverScore: Text Generation Evaluating with Contextualized Embeddings and Earth Mover Distance.
Neural data-to-text generation: A comparison between pipeline and end-to-end architectures.
Neural Text Summarization: A Critical Evaluation.
Linking artificial and human neural representations of language.
PaRe: A Paper-Reviewer Matching Approach Using a Common Topic Space.
Latent-Variable Generative Models for Data-Efficient Text Classification.
Enhancing Local Feature Extraction with Global Representation for Neural Text Classification.
Many Faces of Feature Importance: Comparing Built-in and Post-hoc Feature Importance in Text Classification.
Hierarchical Attention Prototypical Networks for Few-Shot Text Classification.
Label-Specific Document Representation for Multi-Label Text Classification.
Investigating Capsule Network and Semantic Feature on Hyperplanes for Text Classification.
Hierarchical Text Classification with Reinforced Label Assignment.
Joint Event and Temporal Relation Extraction with Shared Representations and Structured Prediction.
EntEval: A Holistic Evaluation Benchmark for Entity Representations.
Leveraging 2-hop Distant Supervision from Table Entity Pairs for Relation Extraction.
Neural Cross-Lingual Relation Extraction Based on Bilingual Word Embedding Mapping.
Self-Attention Enhanced CNNs and Collaborative Curriculum Learning for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction.
CaRe: Open Knowledge Graph Embeddings.
Learning the Extraction Order of Multiple Relational Facts in a Sentence with Reinforcement Learning.
A Boundary-aware Neural Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition.
Event Detection with Trigger-Aware Lattice Neural Network.
Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction.
Uncover the Ground-Truth Relations in Distant Supervision: A Neural Expectation-Maximization Framework.
Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction.
Multi-Input Multi-Output Sequence Labeling for Joint Extraction of Fact and Condition Tuples from Scientific Text.
Learning to Bootstrap for Entity Set Expansion.
Open Event Extraction from Online Text using a Generative Adversarial Network.
Learning Dynamic Context Augmentation for Global Entity Linking.
Low-Resource Name Tagging Learned with Weakly Labeled Data.
Tackling Long-Tailed Relations and Uncommon Entities in Knowledge Graph Completion.
Jointly Learning Entity and Relation Representations for Entity Alignment.
Improving Relation Extraction with Knowledge-attention.
Open Relation Extraction: Relational Knowledge Transfer from Supervised Data to Unsupervised Data.
Leveraging Dependency Forest for Neural Medical Relation Extraction.
Using Customer Service Dialogues for Satisfaction Analysis with Context-Assisted Multiple Instance Learning.
Justifying Recommendations using Distantly-Labeled Reviews and Fine-Grained Aspects.
Interpretable Relevant Emotion Ranking with Event-Driven Attention.
Knowledge-Enriched Transformer for Emotion Detection in Textual Conversations.
DialogueGCN: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation.
Building Task-Oriented Visual Dialog Systems Through Alternative Optimization Between Dialog Policy and Language Generation.
Entity-Consistent End-to-end Task-Oriented Dialogue System with KB Retriever.
MoEL: Mixture of Empathetic Listeners.
Multi-hop Selector Network for Multi-turn Response Selection in Retrieval-based Chatbots.
Guided Dialog Policy Learning: Reward Estimation for Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialog.
Game Theory Meets Embeddings: a Unified Framework for Word Sense Disambiguation.
Correlations between Word Vector Sets.
Room to Glo: A Systematic Comparison of Semantic Change Detection Approaches with Word Embeddings.
How Contextual are Contextualized Word Representations? Comparing the Geometry of BERT, ELMo, and GPT-2 Embeddings.
Knowledge Enhanced Contextual Word Representations.
Transfer Learning Between Related Tasks Using Expected Label Proportions.
Practical Obstacles to Deploying Active Learning.
Attention is not not Explanation.
Attending to Future Tokens for Bidirectional Sequence Generation.