
icwsm 2011 论文列表

Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 17-21, 2011.

Areca: Online Comparison of Research Results.
TweetTrader.net: Leveraging Crowd Wisdom in a Stock Microblogging Forum.
TweetTracker: An Analysis Tool for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief.
Making Project Team Recommendations from Online Information Sources.
Digital Diasporas Atlas Exploration and Cartography of Diasporas in Digital Networks.
Automatic Identification and Presentation of Twitter Content for Planned Events.
Tracking Visual Memes in Rich-Media Social Communities.
Does Bad News Go Away Faster?
Future Link Prediction in the Blogosphere for Recommendation.
An Optimized Web Feed Aggregation Approach for Generic Feed Types.
Social Influence, Popularity and Interestingness of Online Contents.
Factors Affecting Response Quantity, Quality, and Speed for Questions Asked Via Social Network Status Messages.
MODEC - Modeling and Detecting Evolutions of Communities.
Personalized Landmark Recommendation Based on Geotags from Photo Sharing Sites.
Viral Actions: Predicting Video View Counts Using Synchronous Sharing Behaviors.
Using Network Structure to Identify Groups in Virtual Worlds.
High Correlation between Incoming and Outgoing Activity: A Distinctive Property of Online Social Networks?
Maintaining Ties on Social Media Sites: The Competing Effects of Balance, Exchange, and Betweenness.
Describing the Web in less than 140 Characters.
Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Latent Attribute Detection in Social Media.
"Dancing with the Stars, " NBA Games, Politics: An Exploration of Twitter Users' Response to Events.
Methods to Determine Node Centrality and Clustering in Graphs with Uncertain Structure.
RT to Win! Predicting Message Propagation in Twitter.
Unearthing People from the SaND: Relationship Discovery with Social Media in the Enterprise.
Is Twitter a Good Place for Asking Questions? A Characterization Study.
Connecting Mutually Influencing Bloggers.
An Empirical Study of Geographic User Activity Patterns in Foursquare.
Towards Discovery of Influence and Personality Traits through Social Link Prediction.
Information Propagation on the Web: Data Extraction, Modeling and Simulation.
LeadLag LDA: Estimating Topic Specific Leads and Lags of Information Outlets.
Understanding the Demographics of Twitter Users.
Sentiment Flow Through Hyperlink Networks.
Exploring Feature Definition and Selection for Sentiment Classifiers.
Using Twitter to Detect and Tag Important Events in Sports Media.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis: The Good the Bad and the OMG!
Summarizing User-Contributed Comments.
Supervised Topic Segmentation of Email Conversations.
Structure and Reciprocity in Technology-Centered Q&A Communities.
Identifying Users Across Social Tagging Systems.
Language Matters In Twitter: A Large Scale Study.
Relevance Modeling for Microblog Summarization.
Mapping the Political Twitterverse: Candidates and Their Followers in the Midterms.
Exploring Text Virality in Social Networks.
Characterizing Social Relations Via NLP-Based Sentiment Analysis.
Automatically Identifying Groups Based on Content and Collective Behavioral Patterns of Group Members.
Trust, Reputation and the Small Firm: Building Online Brand Reputation for SMEs.
Limits of Electoral Predictions Using Twitter.
Large-Scale Community Detection on YouTube for Topic Discovery and Exploration.
Creating Conversations: An Automated Dialog System.
Automatic Group-Interactive Radio Using Social-Networks of Musicians.
Divided They Tweet: The Network Structure of Political Microbloggers and Discussion Topics.
Using the H-Index to Estimate Blog Authority.
Analyzing Political Trends in the Blogosphere.
A Bootstrapping Approach to Identifying Relevant Tweets for Social TV.
Who Should I Follow? Recommending People in Directed Social Networks.
Facebook Use and Social Capital - A Longitudinal Study.
Modeling Public Mood and Emotion: Twitter Sentiment and Socio-Economic Phenomena.
You Are Known by How You Vlog: Personality Impressions and Nonverbal Behavior in YouTube.
Selecting Quality Twitter Content for Events.
Beyond Trending Topics: Real-World Event Identification on Twitter.
Trends in Social Media: Persistence and Decay.
Improving Text Clustering with Social Tagging.
Prominence Ranking in Graphs with Community Structure.
Classifying the Political Leaning of News Articles and Users from User Votes.
Culture Matters: A Survey Study of Social Q&A Behavior.
Event Detection in Twitter.
Identifying Representative Textual Sources in Blog Networks.
Natural Language Processing to the Rescue? Extracting "Situational Awareness" Tweets During Mass Emergency.
What Stops Social Epidemics?
Diversity Measurement of Recommender Systems under Different User Choice Models.
Participation Maximization Based on Social Influence in Online Discussion Forums.
Memes Online: Extracted, Subtracted, Injected, and Recollected.
Differential Adaptive Diffusion: Understanding Diversity and Learning whom to Trust in Viral Marketing.
Just a Click Away: Social Search and Metadata in Predicting File Discovery.
Socio-Spatial Properties of Online Location-Based Social Networks.
An Assessment of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Task Performance in Crowdsourcing Markets.
Scalable Event-Based Clustering of Social Media Via Record Linkage Techniques.
How Does Social Capital Affect Retweets?
Detecting and Tracking Political Abuse in Social Media.
The Effect of Mobile Platforms on Twitter Content Generation.
A Machine Learning Approach to Twitter User Classification.
Generate Adjective Sentiment Dictionary for Social Media Sentiment Analysis Using Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.
You Are What You Tweet: Analyzing Twitter for Public Health.
What's in a @name? How Name Value Biases Judgment of Microblog Authors.
Technology-Mediated Citizen Science Participation: A Motivational Model.
Exploiting User Interest on Social Media for Aggregating Diverse Data and Predicting Interest.
The Prevalence of Political Discourse in Non-Political Blogs.
Extracting Meta Statements from the Blogosphere.
Task Specialization in Social Production Communities: The Case of Geographic Volunteer Work.
Why do People Retweet? Anti-Homophily Wins the Day!
The Party Is Over Here: Structure and Content in the 2010 Election.
More Voices Than Ever? Quantifying Media Bias in Networks.
Seven Months with the Devils: A Long-Term Study of Content Polluters on Twitter.
When the Wikipedians Talk: Network and Tree Structure of Wikipedia Discussion Pages.
Dimensions of Self-Expression in Facebook Status Updates.
Searching Twitter: Separating the Tweet from the Chaff.
Escaping Information Poverty through Internet Newsgroups.
Can the Ambiance of a Place be Determined by the User Profiles of the People Who Visit It?
Latent Set Models for Two-Mode Network Data.
Find Me the Right Content! Diversity-Based Sampling of Social Media Spaces for Topic-Centric Search.
Modelling Action Cascades in Social Networks.
Social Lens: Personalization Around User Defined Collections for Filtering Enterprise Message Streams.
Timing Tweets to Increase Effectiveness of Information Campaigns.
Taking It All In? Visual Attention in Microblog Consumption.
Political Polarization on Twitter.
Exploring Millions of Footprints in Location Sharing Services.
Location3: How Users Share and Respond to Location-Based Data on Social.
Event Summarization Using Tweets.
Two Paths of Glory - Structural Positions and Trajectories of Websites within Their Topical Territory.
4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community.
Insights into Internet Memes.
Center of Attention: How Facebook Users Allocate Attention across Friends.
Reconstruction of Threaded Conversations in Online Discussion Forums.
Media Landscape in Twitter: A World of New Conventions and Political Diversity.
Trust Amongst Rogues? A Hypergraph Approach for Comparing Clandestine Trust Networks in MMOGs.
Rating Friends Without Making Enemies.