
ijcai 1991 论文列表

Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Sydney, Australia, August 24-30, 1991.

Line Labeling and Junction Labeling: A Coupled System for Image Interpretation.
Visual Interpretation of Lambertian Surface Deformation.
Combining Stereo and Monocular Information to Compute Dense Depth Maps that Preserve Depth Discontinuities.
Shading-Based Two-View Matching.
HyperBF Networks for Real Object Recognition.
On Seeing Spaghetti: A Novel Self-Adjusting Seven Parameter Hough Space for Analyzing Flexible Extruded Objects.
Natural Object Recognition: A Theoretical Framework and Its Implementation.
A Pictorial Approach to Object Classification.
Determining Robot Egomotion from Motion Parallax Observed by an Active Camera.
Mobile Robot Navigation by an Active Control of the Vision System.
Planning Robot Control Parameter Values with Qualitative Reasoning.
Integrating Reaction Plans and Layered Competences Through Synchronous Control.
Emergent Frame Recognition and Its Use in Artificial Creatures.
Parallel Distributed Belief Networks That Learn.
Propagation of Preference Relations in Qualitative Inference Networks.
Evidential Probability.
On a Tool for Reasoning with Mass Distributions.
Characterizing Belief with Minimum Commitment.
Reified Temporal Theories and How to Unreify Them.
Computational and Physical Causality.
Directed Constraint Networks: A Relational Framework for Causal Modeling.
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge to Generate Models of Physical Systems.
A Geometric Approach to Total Envisioning.
Extracting and Representing Qualitative Behaviors of Complex Systems in Phase Spaces.
The Hybrid Phenomena Theory.
Representing Diagnostic Knowledge for Probabilistic Horn Abduction.
Integrating Model-Based Monitoring and Diagnosis of Complex Dynamic Systems.
Diagnosing Temporal Misbehavior.
When Oscillators Stop Oscillating.
An Endorsement-based Approach to Student Modeling for Planner-controlled Tutors.
Integration-Kid: A Learning Companion System.
Reasoning about Student Knowledge and Reasoning.
UMRAO: A Chess Endgame Tutor.
The Problem of Induction and Machine Learning.
In Defense of Hyper-Logicist AI.
Actions and Movements.
The Implications of Paraconsistency.
Generalised Inference and Inferential Modelling.
The Philosophy of Automated Theorem Proving.
Parsing = Parsimonious Covering? (Abduction in Logical Form Generation).
X2MORF: A Morphological Component Based on Augmented Two-Level Morphology.
A Parsing Method for Identifying Words in Mandarin Chinese Sentences.
Coordinated Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Japanese Language.
Using Pattern-Action Rules for the Generation of GPSG Structures from MT-Oriented Semantics.
Interpretation of Definite Noun Phrases.
Logic and Feature Structures.
Organizational Issues Arising from the Integration of the Lexicon and Concept Network in a Text Understanding System.
Efficient Representation of Linguistic Knowledge for Continuous Speech Understanding.
Natural Language and Exploration of an Information Space: The ALFresco Interactive System.
The Re-use of Linguistic Resources across Languages in Multilingual Generation Components.
POST: Using Probabilities in Language Processing.
Confirmations and Joint Action.
Your Metaphor or Mine: Belief Ascription and Metaphor Interpretation.
Resolving Plan Ambiguity for Cooperative Response Generation.
An Environment for Experimentation with Parsing Strategies.
Incremental Syntactic and Semantic Processing.
Massively Parallel Memory-Based Parsing.
High Performance Natural Language Processing on Semantic Network Array Processor.
Compiling Integrity Checking into Update Procedures.
The Incomplete Database.
Indefinite Reasoning with Definite Rules.
Programming in Autoepistemic Logic.
A Non-shared Binding Scheme for Parallel Prolog Implementation.
An Architecture for Visualizing the Execution of Parallel Logic Programs.
Derivation Procedures for Extended Stable Models.
Fitting Semantics for Conditional Term Rewriting.
Weak Equivalence for Constraint Sets.
The Utility of Feature Construcuon for Back-Propagation.
Analyzing Images Containing Multiple Sparse Patterns with Neural Networks.
Integration of Neural Networks and Expert Systems for Process Fault Diagnosis.
Cooperative Hybrid Systems.
An Interactive Visual Language for Term Subsumption Languages.
Constraints on Tree Structure in Concept Formation.
CABOT: An Adaptive Approach to Case-Based Search.
FGP: A Virtual Machine for Acquiring Knowledge from Cases.
The Base Selection Task in Analogical Planning.
Acquiring Knowledge by Efficient Query Learning.
Learning Nested Concept Classes with Limited Storage.
Learning Structural Decision Trees from Examples.
Overprvning Large Decision Trees.
Refinement Strategies for Inductive Leaming of Simple Prolog Programs.
Inductive Learning from Good Examples.
Determinate Literals in Inductive Logic Programming.
Modelling Experiments in Scientific Discovery.
Learning to Classify Observed Motor Behavior.
Input Generalization in Delayed Reinforcement Learning: An Algorithm and Performance Comparisons.
Machine Discovery of Effective Admissible Heuristics.
Towards a Model of Grounded Concept Formation.
Learning with a Helpful Teacher.
A Scheme for Feature Construction and a Comparison of Empirical Methods.
Bayesian Classification with Correlation and Inheritance.
Semantic Model for Induction of First Order Theories.
Qualitative Model Evolution.
Reduced Complexity Rule Induction.
Empirical Bias for Version Space.
Theoretical Underpinnings of Version Spaces.
Flexible Matching for Noisy Structural Descriptions.
Learning Concept Classification Rules Using Genetic Algorithms.
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Classification.
Classifiers: A Theoretical and Empirical Study.
Concept Formation over Explanations and Problem-Solving Experience.
An Augmented EBL and its Application to the Utility Problem.
A Formalization of Explanation-Based Macro-operator Learning.
Quantitative Evaluation of Explanation-Based Learning as an Optimisation Tool for a Large-Scale Natural Language System.
Logic Programing in Artificial Intelligence.
Intelligence Without Reason.
AI and Design.
Massively Parallel Artificial Intelligence.
AI in Telecommunications.
Multiple Approaches to Multiple Agent Problem Solving.
The Role of Chess in Artificial Intelligence Research.
Ex contradictione nihil sequitur.
Contextual Negations and Reasoning with Contradictions.
Propositional Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Inconsistency in Symmetric Neural Networks.
Measuring and Improving the Effectiveness of Representations.
Parameter Structures for Parametrized Modal Operators.
A Model of Events and Processes.
Asymmetry Thesis and Side-Effect Problems in Linear-Time and Branching-Time Intention Logics.
A Model of Decidable Introspective Reasoning with Quantifying-In.
A New Logic of Beliefs: Monotonic and Non-Monotonic Beliefs - Part 1.
A Skeptic's Menagerie: Conflictors, Preemptors, Reinstaters, and Zombies in Nonrnonotonic Inheritance.
Generalizing Term Subsumption Languages to Fuzzy Logic.
A Correspondence Theory for Terminological Logics: Preliminary Report.
Tractable Concept Languages.
A Scheme for Integrating Concrete Domains into Concept Languages.
Augmenting Concept Languages by Transitive Closure of Roles: An Alternative to Terminological Cycles.
Circumscribing Defaults.
Circumscription and Definability.
Query Answering in Circumscription.
Possibilistic Logic, Preferential Models, Non-monotonicity and Related Issues.
Inaccessible Worlds and Irrelevance: Preliminary Report.
A Unified View of Consequence Relation, Belief Revision and Conditional Logic.
Constructive Tightly Grounded Autoepistemic Reasoning.
Modal Interpretations of Default Logic.
Commonsense Entailment: A Modal Theory of Non-monotonic Reasoning.
Nonmonotonic Databases and Epistemic Queries.
An MFIS for Computing a Raw Cognitive Map.
A Cognitive Model of Figure Segregation.
Reasoning Visually about Spatial Interactions.
Plan Debugging in an Intentional System.
Index Transformation Techniques for Facilitating Creative Use of Multiple Cases.
How Situated is Cognition?
Where the Really Hard Problems Are.
An Efficient Arc Consistency Algorithm for a Class of CSP Problems.
On the Feasibility of Distributed Constraint Satisfaction.
Prioritized Defaults: Implementation by TMS and Application to Diagnosis.
On Semantics of TMS.
Contexts for Nonmonotonic RMSes.
A Logically Complete Reasoning Maintenance System Based on a Logical Constraint Solver.
The Downward Refinement Property.
A Message Passing Algorithm for Plan Recognition.
Complexity Results for Planning.
Parallel Non-Binary Planning in Polynomial Time.
Commitment Strategies in Planning: A Comparative Analysis.
Localized Search for Multiagent Planning.
A Formal Model for Classical Planning.
Generalizing Nonlinear Planning to Handle Complex Goals and Actions with Context-Dependent Effects.
Solving "How to Clear a Block" with Constructive Matching Methodology.
Incomplete Information and Deception in Multi-Agent Negotiation.
Bottleneck Identification Using Process Chronologies.
Composing Real-Time Systems.
Moving Target Search.
High-Performance A\ast Search Using Rapidly Growing Heuristics.
Using Aspiration Windows for Minimax Algorithms.
Learning Admissible Heuristics while Solving Problems.
Admissible Search Methods for Minimum Penalty Sequencing of Jobs with Setup Times on One and Two Machines.
An Expected-Cost Analysis of Backtracking and Non-Backtracking Algorithms.
Proof Transformation with Built-in Equality Predicate.
Consequence-Finding Based on Ordered Linear Resolution.
An Inference Rule for Hypothesis Generation.
Reasoning of Geometric Concepts based on Algebraic Constraint-directed Method.
How to Prove Higher Order Theorems in First Order Logic.
Consolution and its Relation with Resolution.
A Model Elimination Calculus for Generalized Clauses.
Ordering-Based Strategies for Horn Clauses.
Reflective Reasoning with and between a Declarative Metatheory and the Implementation Code.
Formalizing and Using Persistency.
A Resolution Method for Temporal Logic.
Generating Integrated Interpretation of Partial Information Based on Distributed Qualitative Reasoning.
Commitment and Effectiveness of Situated Agents.
Communication and Inference through Situations.
Towards a Formal Theory of Communication for Multi-agent Systems.
A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Coordinating Multi-agent Interactions.
Negotiations Over Time in a Multi-Agent Environment: Preliminary Report.
On Supporting Associative Access and Processing over Dynamic Knowledge Bases.
Performance Comparison of Models for Multiple Rule Firing.
A Macro Actor/Token Implementation of Production Systems on a Data-Mow Multiprocessor.
Holographic Reduced Representations: Convolution Algebra for Compositional Distributed Representations.
The Automated Analysis of Rule-based Systems, Based on their Procedural Semantics.
Effects of Parallelism on Blackboard System Scheduling.
Intelligent Assistance through Collaborative Manipulation.
A Methodology for Systematic Verification of OPS5-Based AI Applications.