
ijcai 2005 论文列表

IJCAI-05, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 30 - August 5, 2005.

What kind of graphical model is the brain?
Coping with exceptions in multiclass ILP problems using possibilistic logic.
Networked Distributed POMDPs: A Synergy of Distributed Constraint Optimization and POMDPs.
A Modal Logic for Reasoning about Possibilistic Belief Fusion.
Approximating Pseudo-Boolean Functions on Non-Uniform Domains.
Using core beliefs for point-based value iteration.
Model minimization by linear PSR.
Learning discontinuities for switching between local models.
Detecting and locating faults in the control software of autonomous mobile robots.
SVM-based Obstacles Recognition for Road Vehicle Applications.
3-D Interpretation of Single Line Drawings.
An Heuristic Search based Approach for Moving Objects Tracking.
Measuring the Cost of Robotic Communication.
Growth of Motor Coordination in Early Robot Learning.
Path-Planning for Autonomous Training on Robot Manipulators in Space.
An On-Line Time Warping Algorithm for Tracking Musical Performances.
Talking Robots: a Fully Autonomous Implementation of the Talking Heads.
Disjunctive Temporal Planning with Uncertainty.
Open-World Planning for Story Generation.
Multi-Agent Assumption-Based Planning.
Planning for Weakly-Coupled Partially Observable Stochastic Games.
Automated Adaptive Support for Task and Information Prioritizing.
Planning with graded fluents and actions.
Mixed-Initiative Activity Planning for Mars Rovers.
Appropriate Microplanning Choices for Low-Skilled Readers.
Online Support System for Mediator Education.
Evaluating an NLG System using Post-Editing.
Induction of Syntactic Collocation Patterns from Generic Syntactic Relations.
Naturalness of an Utterance Based on the Automatically Retrieved Commonsense.
Correspondence-guided Synchronous Parsing of Parallel Corpora.
Can we assign attitudes to a computer based on its beeps? Toward an effective method for making humans empathize with artificial agents.
MDL-based Acquisition of Substitutability Relationships between Discourse Connectives.
Fault-Tolerant Context-Based Interpretation of Mathematical Formulas.
Sentence Extraction for Legal Text Summarisation.
Structural Representation and Matching of Articulatory Speech Structures based on the Evolving Transformation System (ETS) Formalism.
A Probabilistic Lexical Approach to Textual Entailment.
Discovering Inconsistency through Examination Dialogues.
An Inference Model for Semantic Entailment in Natural Language.
Towards More Intelligent Mobile Search.
Value-Centric Trust Model with Improved Familiarity Measurement.
Coalitional Games in Open Anonymous Environments.
Inter-Agent Communication: A Cost-Reduction Approach Using an Autonomous Mobile Mailbox.
Trust No One: Evaluating Trust-based Filtering for Recommenders.
A Framework for Communication Planning on Mobile Devices.
A rule language for modelling and monitoring social expectations in multi-agent systems.
Fast convergence to satisfying distributions.
The Evolution of Artificial Social Systems.
Achieving Allocatively-Efficient and Strongly Budget-Balanced Mechanisms in the Network Flow Domain for Bounded-Rational Agents.
On the Evolution of Memory Size in the Minority Game (extended abstract).
Language Learning in Multi-Agent Systems.
Learning Global Models Based on Distributed Data Abstractions.
Discovering Time Differential Law Equations Containing Hidden State Variables and Chaotic Dynamics.
An Inductive Database for Mining Temporal Patterns in Event Sequences.
Question Classification by Structure Induction.
Collective Object Identification.
Intimate Learning: A Novel Approach for Combining Labelled and Unlabelled Data.
Development of new techniques to improve Web search.
Incorporating a folding rule into inductive logic programming.
A Learning Scheme for Generating Expressive Music Performances of Jazz Standards.
Kernels on Prolog Ground Terms.
Automatic learning of domain model for personalized hypermedia applications.
Active Cost-Sensitive Learning.
Supervised Local Tangent Space Alignment for Classification.
Transfer in Learning by Doing.
Using Neutral Examples for Learning Polarity.
A Fast Normalized Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Multinomial Data.
Relational Learning for Email Task Management.
Automatic Hypertext Keyphrase Detection.
Adaptive Support Vector Machine for Time-Varying Data Streams Using Martingale.
fMRI Analysis via One-class Machine Learning Techniques.
Conditional Visuomotor Learning and Viability Theory.
Learning Complex Event Descriptions by Abstraction.
Image Retrieval and Disambiguation for Encyclopedic Web Search.
A Study of Selection Noise in Collaborative Web Search.
Using Learned Browsing Behavior Models to Recommend Relevant Web Pages.
Proof General / Eclipse: A Generic Interface for Interactive Proof.
A CLP-Based, Diagnosticity-Driven System for Concept Combinations.
The Ontology Revision.
Computationally Grounded Model of BDI-Agents.
Compact Propositional Encodings of First-Order Theories.
Dependency Calculus Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra.
Capturing and Reusing Case-Based Context for Image Retrieval.
Knowledge Based Approach for Mechanically Verifying Security Protocols.
Redesign Support Framework based on Hierarchical Multiple Models.
A Unified Framework of Propositional Knowledge Base Revision and Update Based on State Transition Models.
Reflection Patterns for Interactive Knowledge Capture.
Incremental Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems.
Heuristics for Hard ASP Programs.
Explaining preferences with argument positions.
An Architecture for Proof Planning Systems.
A Cognitive Model of Visual Analogical Problem-Solving Transfer.
Explaining Search Results.
A Multidimensional Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems.
A Non-monotonic Logic for Specifying and Querying Preferences.
A language for functional interpretation of model based simulation.
Abduction with Hypotheses Confirmation.
Streamlining Local Search for Spatially Balanced Latin Squares.
Improving Tree Decomposition Methods With Function Filtering.
Hypertree-decomposition via Branch-decomposition.
CSP Search with Responsibility Sets and Kernels.
Corrective Explanation for Interactive Constraint Satisfaction.
Combination of Local Search Strategies for Rotating Workforce Scheduling Problem.
Maintaining Arc Consistency using Adaptive Domain Ordering.
Predicate-Oriented Isomorphism Elimination in Model Finding.
A Covering Problem for Hypercubes.
Scaling up WA* with Commitment and Diversity.
Minimizing a Makespan Under Uncertainty.
Allocation and Scheduling for MPSoCs via decomposition and no-good generation.
Automation Intelligence for the Smart Environment.
It's About Time.
A Universal Measure of Intelligence for Artificial Agents.
Using AI and simulations to design and control space habitats.
Motivated Agents.
Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms.
Efficient Distributed "Hormone" Graph Gradients.
2D Shape Classification and Retrieval.
Maintaining Coherent Perceptual Information Using Anchoring.
Relational Object Maps for Mobile Robots.
Collective AI: context awareness via communication.
Compound Effects of Top-down and Bottom-up Influences on Visual Attention During Action Recognition.
Combining Structural Descriptions and Image-based Representations for Image, Object, and Scene Recognition.
Inferring Image Templates from Classification Decisions.
Learning Forward Models for Robots.
Learning Partially Observable Deterministic Action Models.
Clinical-Reasoning Skill Acquisition through Intelligent Group Tutoring.
A Live-User Evaluation of Collaborative Web Search.
You Are Wrong! - Automatic Detection of Interaction Errors from Brain Waves.
Dynamically Constructed Bayes Nets for Multi-Domain Sketch Understanding.
Self Adaptive Particle Filter.
Probabilistic Reasoning with Hierarchically Structured Variables.
Affine Algebraic Decision Diagrams (AADDs) and their Application to Structured Probabilistic Inference.
Asymptotic Conditional Probability in Modal Logic: A Probabilistic Reconstruction of Nonmonotonic Logic.
Algebraic Markov Decision Processes.
Accurate and Low-cost Location Estimation Using Kernels.
Continuous Time Particle Filtering.
BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects.
An MCMC Approach to Solving Hybrid Factored MDPs.
Optimal Nonmyopic Value of Information in Graphical Models - Efficient Algorithms and Theoretical Limits.
Solving POMDPs with Continuous or Large Discrete Observation Spaces.
Stationary Deterministic Policies for Constrained MDPs with Multiple Rewards, Costs, and Discount Factors.
Lifted First-Order Probabilistic Inference.
The Inferential Complexity of Bayesian and Credal Networks.
Compiling Bayesian Networks with Local Structure.
Sensitivity Analysis in Markov Networks.
A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Task Assistance for Persons with Dementia.
Bounded Policy Iteration for Decentralized POMDPs.
Encoding formulas with partially constrained weights in a possibilistic-like many-sorted propositional logic.
Optimized Execution of Action Chains Using Learned Performance Models of Abstract Actions.
Probabilistic Reasoning for Plan Robustness.
Conditional Planning in the Discrete Belief Space.
Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning at the Knowledge Level.
Planning with Continuous Resources in Stochastic Domains.
Real-Time Path Planning for Humanoid Robot Navigation.
Integrating Planning and Temporal Reasoning for Domains with Durations and Time Windows.
Abstraction-based Action Ordering in Planning.
Robust Planning with (L)RTDP.
Over-Subscription Planning with Numeric Goals.
Proactive Algorithms for Scheduling with Probabilistic Durations.
Model Compilation for Real-Time Planning and Diagnosis with Feedback.
The Altricial-Precocial Spectrum for Robots.
PsychSim: Modeling Theory of Mind with Decision-Theoretic Agents.
Attribution of Knowledge to Artificial Agents and their Principals.
Extraction of Hierarchies Based on Inclusion of Co-occurring Words with Frequency Information.
Automatic Semantic Role Labeling for Chinese Verbs.
Meaning development versus predefined meanings in language evolution models.
Analogy Generation with HowNet.
Theory of Alignment Generators and Applications to Statistical Machine Translation.
Measuring Semantic Similarity by Latent Relational Analysis.
Beyond TFIDF Weighting for Text Categorization in the Vector Space Model.
Learning and Inference over Constrained Output.
The Necessity of Syntactic Parsing for Semantic Role Labeling.
Robust Ontology Acquisition from Machine-Readable Dictionaries.
A Machine Learning Approach to Identification and Resolution of One-Anaphora.
Temporal Context Representation and Reasoning.
Semantic annotation of unstructured and ungrammatical text.
Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence: Models and Representations.
Redundancy-free Island Parsing of Word Graphs.
Automatic Text-to-Scene Conversion in the Traffic Accident Domain.
Semantic Argument Classification Exploiting Argument Interdependence.
Shallow Semantics for Relation Extraction.
Learning Strategies for Open-Domain Natural Language Question Answering.
Feature Generation for Text Categorization Using World Knowledge.
A Probabilistic Framework for Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics.
A Probabilistic Model of Redundancy in Information Extraction.
Learning to Understand Web Site Update Requests.
Maps for Verbs: The Relation Between Interaction Dynamics and Verb Use.
A Probabilistic Learning Method for XML Annotation of Documents.
Word Sense Disambiguation with Distribution Estimation.
Viewing Referring Expression Generation as Search.
TimeML-Compliant Text Analysis for Temporal Reasoning.
A Two-Stage Method for Active Learning of Statistical Grammars.
A Logical Model of Nash Bargaining Solution.
Learning Payoff Functions in Infinite Games.
Distributive and Collective Readings in Group Protocols.
The Role of Clustering on the Emergence of Efficient Social Conventions.
More on the Power of Demand Queries in Combinatorial Auctions: Learning Atomic Languages and Handling Incentives.
Multi-agent Coordination using Local Search.
Two-Sided Bandits and the Dating Market.
On Maximal Classes of Utility Functions for Efficient one-to-one Negotiation.
Efficiency and envy-freeness in fair division of indivisible goods: logical representation and complexity.
Regret-based Utility Elicitation in Constraint-based Decision Problems.
Sequential-Simultaneous Information Elicitation in Multi-Agent Systems.
On the Axiomatic Foundations of Ranking Systems.
Semi-Supervised Regression with Co-Training.
Mining Spatial Object Associations for Scientific Data.
Maximum A Posteriori Path Estimation with Input Trace Perturbation: Algorithms and Application to Credible Rating of Human Routines.
Learning Subjective Representations for Planning.
Stereotype Extraction with Default Clustering.
Sequential Genetic Search for Ensemble Feature Selection.
Learning to Play Like the Great Pianists.
Temporal-Difference Networks with History.
A Multi-Objective Multi-Modal Optimization Approach for Mining Stable Spatio-Temporal Patterns.
Evolino: Hybrid Neuroevolution/Optimal Linear Search for Sequence Learning.
Generative Modeling with Failure in PRISM.
InterActive Feature Selection.
Using Predictive Representations to Improve Generalization in Reinforcement Learning.
Stepwise Nearest Neighbor Discriminant Analysis.
ROCCER: An Algorithm for Rule Learning Based on ROC Analysis.
Learning against opponents with bounded memory.
Phase Transitions within Grammatical Inference.
Generalization Error of Linear Neural Networks in an Empirical Bayes Approach.
Unsupervised Dimensionality Estimation and Manifold Learning in high-dimensional Spaces by Tensor Voting.
Training without data: Knowledge Insertion into RBF Neural Networks.
Topic and Role Discovery in Social Networks.
Concurrent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
Location-Based Activity Recognition using Relational Markov Networks.
A Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Approach for Modeling Human Activities.
Signal-to-Score Music Transcription using Graphical Models.
State Abstraction Discovery from Irrelevant State Variables.
A Novel Approach to Model Generation for Heterogeneous Data Classification.
Learning with Labeled Sessions.
Combining Memory and Landmarks with Predictive State Representations.
The COMPSET Algorithm for Subset Selection.
Generalization Bounds for Weighted Binary Classification with Applications to Statistical Verification.
Learning Coordination Classifiers.
Inferring Useful Heuristics from the Dynamics of Iterative Relational Classifiers.
Repairing Concavities in ROC Curves.
A Simple-Transition Model for Relational Sequences.
Reinforcement Learning in POMDPs Without Resets.
Learning Web Page Scores by Error Back-Propagation.
View Learning for Statistical Relational Learning: With an Application to Mammography.
Stacked Sequential Learning.
Feature Selection Based on the Shapley Value.
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relations between Concepts of a Molecular Biology Ontology.
Fast and Complete Symbolic Plan Recognition.
Exploiting Background Knowledge for Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup Discovery.
Exploiting Informative Priors for Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees.
Ranking Cases with Decision Trees: a Geometric Method that Preserves Intelligibility.
Solving Logic Program Conflict through Strong and Weak Forgettings.
A Motion Closed World Asumption.
Going Far, Logically.
Ordering Heuristics for Description Logic Reasoning.
On the Interaction between Inverse Features and Path-functional Dependencies in Description Logics.
Combining Learning Constraints and Numerical Regression.
First-Order Logical Filtering.
Goal Change.
A Formal Investigation of Mapping Language for Terminological Knowledge.
Aspects of Distributed and Modular Ontology Reasoning.
Supervaluation Semantics for an Inland Water Feature Ontology.
Minimal and Absent Information in Contexts.
Measuring conflict and agreement between two prioritized belief bases.
Building the Semantic Web Tower from RDF Straw.
Inverse Resolution as Belief Change.
Propositional Abduction is Almost Always Hard.
Cognitive Modelling of Event Ordering Reasoning in Imagistic Domains.
Tractable Reasoning with Incomplete First-Order Knowledge in Dynamic Systems with Context-Dependent Actions.
Discovering Classes of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs.
Planning with Loops.
A Model-Theoretic Counterpart of Loop Formulas.
From knowledge-based programs to graded belief-based programs, part II: off-line reasoning.
Semantics for a useful fragment of the situation calculus.
Reasoning under inconsistency: the forgotten connective.
Iterated Belief Revision, Revised.
Equivalence in Abductive Logic.
Data Complexity of Reasoning in Very Expressive Description Logics.
Iterated Belief Change: A Transition System Approach.
Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies.
A Tableaux Decision Procedure for SHOIQ.
Cohesion, coupling and the meta-theory of actions.
Representing Flexible Temporal Behaviors in the Situation Calculus.
Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Preferences.
Quota and Gmin Merging Operators.
Updating Action Domain Descriptions.
Parameterized Compilability.
Declarative and Computational Properties of Logic Programs with Aggregates.
Scale-Based Monotonicity Analysis in Qualitative Modelling with Flat Segments.
Reconstructing an Agent's Epistemic State from Observations.
Propositional Argumentation and Causal Reasoning.
Computational ontologies of parthood, componenthood, and containment.
Revision of Partially Ordered Information: Axiomatization, Semantics and Iteration.
Analysis and Verification of Qualitative Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks: A Model-Checking Approach.
Pushing the EL Envelope.
Identifiability of Path-Specific Effects.
Scalability Study of Peer-to-Peer Consequence Finding.
A Novel Local Search Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem that Exploits Backbones.
A Simple Model to Generate Hard Satisfiable Instances.
Decision Diagrams for the Computation of Semiring Valuations.
Choosing between heuristics and strategies: an enhanced model for decision-making.
Leaf-Value Tables for Pruning Non-Zero-Sum Games.
Value Ordering for Finding All Solutions.
Decentralized Search in Networks Using Homophily and Degree Disparity.
Structural Symmetry Breaking.
Solving Checkers.
Bounded Search and Symbolic Inference for Constraint Optimization.
Efficient belief-state AND-OR search, with application to Kriegspiel.
Breaking symmetries in all different problems.
A Scalable Method for Multiagent Constraint Optimization.
Counting Solutions of CSPs: A Structural Approach.
Game-Tree Search with Combinatorially Large Belief States.
Possibilistic Stable Models.
Applying Local Search to Disjunctive Temporal Problems.
Reducing Checks and Revisions in Coarse-grained MAC Algorithms.
AND/OR Cutset Conditioning.
AND/OR Branch-and-Bound for Graphical Models.
A New Approach to Multiobjective A* Search.
Why Minimax Works: An Alternative Explanation.
Identifying Conflicts in Overconstrained Temporal Problems.
A Greedy Approach to Establish Singleton Arc Consistency.
Resolution in Max-SAT and its relation to local consistency in weighted CSPs.
Three Truth Values for the SAT and MAX-SAT Problems.
Complete MCS-Based Search: Application to Resource Constrained Project Scheduling.
The Backbone of the Travelling Salesperson.
Efficient Stochastic Local Search for MPE Solving.
Optimal Refutations for Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
DPLL with a Trace: From SAT to Knowledge Compilation.
The Complexity of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems under Structural Restrictions.
The computational complexity of dominance and consistency in CP-nets.
QCSP-Solve: A Solver for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Generalized Amazons is PSPACE-Complete.
Limited Discrepancy Beam Search.
Bin-Completion Algorithms for Multicontainer Packing and Covering Problems.
The Rules of Constraint Modelling.
Dual Lookups in Pattern Databases.
On Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming.
A Uniform Integration of Higher-Order Reasoning and External Evaluations in Answer-Set Programming.
Existential arc consistency: Getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs.
Phase Transitions of Dominating Clique Problem and Their Implications to Heuristics in Satisfiability Search.
A Unified Theory of Structural Tractability for Constraint Satisfaction and Spread Cut Decomposition.
A Model for Generating Random Quantified Boolean Formulas.
The Range and Roots Constraints: Specifying Counting and Occurrence Problems.
Optimal and Suboptimal Singleton Arc Consistency Algorithms.
Extracting Certificates from Quantified Boolean Formulas.
Improved Knowledge Acquisition for High-Performance Heuristic Search.
Propagating Logical Combinations of Constraints.
A flexible and robust similarity measure based on contextual probability.
Partial, Vague Knowledge for Similarity Measures.
Sophia: A novel approach for Textual Case-based Reasoning.
Automating the Discovery of Recommendation Knowledge.
Cho-k-NN: A Method for Combining Interacting Pieces of Evidence in Case-Based Learning.