
ijcai 2009 论文列表

Explanation-aware Computing, Papers from the 2009 IJCAI Workshop, Pasadena, California , USA, July 11-12, 2009.

Some Properties of Most Relevant Explanation.
Identifying and Explaining Map Quality Through Provenance: A User Study.
Explaining a Result to the End-User: A Geometric Approach for Classification Problems.
Explaining Ontology-Based Information Extraction in the NEPOMUK Semantic Desktop.
Explanations in Context-Aware Systems.
Explanations and Arguments Based on Practical Reasoning.
Towards the Explanation of Workflows.
Minimal Sufficient Explanations for MDPs.
Computational Explanations for Report Generation in Intelligence Analysis.
Explaining Why Something is Warranted in Defeasible Logic Programming.
Explanation of Semantic Search Results of Medical Images in MEDICO.
Expert Evaluation of Probabilistic Explanations.
Organizing Committee / Preface.