
ijcai 2018 论文列表

Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities and Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management, MADiMa@IJCAI 2018, Mässvägen, Stockholm, Sweden, July 15, 2018.

Food image generation using a large amount of food images with conditional GAN: ramenGAN and recipeGAN.
Food category transfer with conditional cycleGAN and a large-scale food image dataset.
Bag-of-foods: analysis of personal foodlogging data.
Automatic reasoning evaluation in diet management based on an italian cookbook.
Multi-task learning of dish detection and calorie estimation.
A multi-task learning approach for meal assessment.
Cooking activities recognition in egocentric videos using hand shape feature with openpose.
Presentation of failure-prone processes in a cooking recipe.
SRGAN for super-resolving low-resolution food images.
Two-step validation in character-based ingredient normalization.
A study on the factors affecting the attractiveness of food photography.
Recognition and localization of food in cooking videos.
Resource intensity for menu items: how much land is required to provide for each dish?
Intuitively estimating the healthiness of meals from their images: image-based meal rating system to encourage self-management of diabetes.
Cooking activities recognition in egocentric videos using combining 2DCNN and 3DCNN.