
SIGKDD(KDD) 2012 论文列表

Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications, BigMine 2012, Beijing, China, August 12, 2012.

A kernel fused perceptron for the online classification of large-scale data.
Stream-dashboard: a framework for mining, tracking and validating clusters in a data stream.
Accelerating Bayesian network parameter learning using Hadoop and MapReduce.
Online feature selection for mining big data.
Accelerating minor allele frequency computation with graphics processors.
Subscriber classification within telecom networks utilizing big data technologies and machine learning.
A density-based clustering structure mining algorithm for data streams.
A parallel graph partitioning algorithm to speed up the large-scale distributed graph mining.
Space-efficient sampling from social activity streams.
Compression-aware I/O performance analysis for big data clustering.
Incrementally optimized decision tree for noisy big data.
Delta-SimRank computing on MapReduce.
Parallel rough set based knowledge acquisition using MapReduce from big data.
CluChunk: clustering large scale user-generated content incorporating chunklet information.
Big data, big business: bridging the gap.
Unexpected challenges in large scale machine learning.