
SIGKDD(KDD) 2020 论文列表

Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Knowledge-infused Mining and Learning for Social Impact co-located with 26th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Virtual) (SIGKDD 2020), San Diego, California, USA, August 24, 2020.

Attention Realignment and Pseudo-Labelling for Interpretable Cross-Lingual Classification of Crisis Tweets.
Public Health Implications of a delay differential equation model for COVID 19.
A New Delay Differential Equation Model for COVID-19.
Cost Aware Feature Elicitation.
Depressive, Drug Abusive, or Informative: Knowledge-aware Study of News Exposure during COVID-19 Outbreak.
Knowledge Intensive Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks.
Textual Evidence for the Perfunctoriness of Independent Medical Reviews.