
naacl 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, WASSA@NAACL-HLT 2016, June 16, 2016, San Diego, California, USA.

Emotions and NLP: Future Directions.
A Practical Guide to Sentiment Annotation: Challenges and Solutions.
The Challenge of Sentiment Quantification.
Sentiment Analysis in Twitter: A SemEval Perspective.
An Hymn of an even Deeper Sentiment Analysis.
Fracking Sarcasm using Neural Network.
A semantic-affective compositional approach for the affective labelling of adjective-noun and noun-noun pairs.
Do Enterprises Have Emotions?
Domain Adaptation of Polarity Lexicon combining Term Frequency and Bootstrapping.
Implicit Aspect Detection in Restaurant Reviews using Cooccurence of Words.
Improve Sentiment Analysis of Citations with Author Modelling.
Reputation System: Evaluating Reputation among All Good Sellers.
Linguistic Understanding of Complaints and Praises in User Reviews.
Semi-supervised and unsupervised categorization of posts in Web discussion forums using part-of-speech information and minimal features.
Early text classification: a Naïve solution.
Political Issue Extraction Model: A Novel Hierarchical Topic Model That Uses Tweets By Political And Non-Political Authors.
Classification of comment helpfulness to improve knowledge sharing among medical practitioners.
Threat detection in online discussions.
An Unsupervised System for Visual Exploration of Twitter Conversations.
How can NLP Tasks Mutually Benefit Sentiment Analysis? A Holistic Approach to Sentiment Analysis.
The Effect of Negators, Modals, and Degree Adverbs on Sentiment Composition.
Sentiment Lexicon Creation using Continuous Latent Space and Neural Networks.
Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis - Invited Talk.
Fashioning Data - A Social Media Perspective on Fast Fashion Brands.
Hit Songs' Sentiments Harness Public Mood & Predict Stock Market.
Purity Homophily in Social Networks - Invited Talk.
Modelling Valence and Arousal in Facebook posts.
Rumor Identification and Belief Investigation on Twitter.
Sentiment, Subjectivity, and Social Analysis Go ToWork: An Industry View - Invited Talk.
Sentiment Analysis - What are we talking about?