
naacl 2018 论文列表

Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 1-6, 2018, Volume 1 (Long Papers).

Recurrent Neural Networks as Weighted Language Recognizers.
Neural Text Generation in Stories Using Entity Representations as Context.
Learning to Map Context-Dependent Sentences to Executable Formal Queries.
Deep Contextualized Word Representations.
Stacking with Auxiliary Features for Visual Question Answering.
Speaker Naming in Movies.
Quantifying the Visual Concreteness of Words and Topics in Multimodal Datasets.
Object Counts! Bringing Explicit Detections Back into Image Captioning.
Learning with Latent Language.
Generating Bilingual Pragmatic Color References.
Towards Understanding Text Factors in Oral Reading.
How Time Matters: Learning Time-Decay Attention for Contextual Spoken Language Understanding in Dialogues.
Conversational Memory Network for Emotion Recognition in Dyadic Dialogue Videos.
Binarized LSTM Language Model.
Mining Evidences for Concept Stock Recommendation.
Factors Influencing the Surprising Instability of Word Embeddings.
EMR Coding with Semi-Parametric Multi-Head Matching Networks.
LSDSCC: a Large Scale Domain-Specific Conversational Corpus for Response Generation with Diversity Oriented Evaluation Metrics.
Dialogue Learning with Human Teaching and Feedback in End-to-End Trainable Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems.
Dialog Generation Using Multi-Turn Reasoning Neural Networks.
Challenging Reading Comprehension on Daily Conversation: Passage Completion on Multiparty Dialog.
Unsupervised Induction of Linguistic Categories with Records of Reading, Speaking, and Writing.
The Timing of Lexical Memory Retrievals in Language Production.
Spotting Spurious Data with Neural Networks.
Comparing Theories of Speaker Choice Using a Model of Classifier Production in Mandarin Chinese.
Assessing Language Proficiency from Eye Movements in Reading.
Behavior Analysis of NLI Models: Uncovering the Influence of Three Factors on Robustness.
Hierarchical Structured Model for Fine-to-Coarse Manifesto Text Analysis.
Unified Pragmatic Models for Generating and Following Instructions.
Linguistic Cues to Deception and Perceived Deception in Interview Dialogues.
The Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task: Identification and Reconstruction of Implicit Warrants.
Human Needs Categorization of Affective Events Using Labeled and Unlabeled Data.
Word Emotion Induction for Multiple Languages as a Deep Multi-Task Learning Problem.
Multi-Task Learning of Pairwise Sequence Classification Tasks over Disparate Label Spaces.
Sentiment Analysis: It's Complicated!
Adversarial Example Generation with Syntactically Controlled Paraphrase Networks.
Delete, Retrieve, Generate: a Simple Approach to Sentiment and Style Transfer.
Interpretable Charge Predictions for Criminal Cases: Learning to Generate Court Views from Fact Descriptions.
ELDEN: Improved Entity Linking Using Densified Knowledge Graphs.
Inducing Temporal Relations from Time Anchor Annotation.
Variational Knowledge Graph Reasoning.
Learning to Disentangle Interleaved Conversational Threads with a Siamese Hierarchical Network and Similarity Ranking.
Detecting Egregious Conversations between Customers and Virtual Agents.
A Hierarchical Latent Structure for Variational Conversation Modeling.
Which Scores to Predict in Sentence Regression for Text Summarization?
What's This Movie About? A Joint Neural Network Architecture for Movie Content Analysis.
Relational Summarization for Corpus Analysis.
Ranking Sentences for Extractive Summarization with Reinforcement Learning.
Provable Fast Greedy Compressive Summarization with Any Monotone Submodular Function.
Neural Storyline Extraction Model for Storyline Generation from News Articles.
Higher-Order Syntactic Attention Network for Longer Sentence Compression.
Generative Bridging Network for Neural Sequence Prediction.
Generating Topic-Oriented Summaries Using Neural Attention.
Estimating Summary Quality with Pairwise Preferences.
Encoding Conversation Context for Neural Keyphrase Extraction from Microblog Posts.
Deep Communicating Agents for Abstractive Summarization.
A Dataset of Peer Reviews (PeerRead): Collection, Insights and NLP Applications.
The Importance of Calibration for Estimating Proportions from Annotations.
Detecting Denial-of-Service Attacks from Social Media Text: Applying NLP to Computer Security.
Deconfounded Lexicon Induction for Interpretable Social Science.
Combining Deep Learning and Topic Modeling for Review Understanding in Context-Aware Recommendation.
Tracking State Changes in Procedural Text: a Challenge Dataset and Models for Process Paragraph Comprehension.
Supervised and Unsupervised Transfer Learning for Question Answering.
Learning to Rank Question-Answer Pairs Using Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder with Latent Topic Clustering.
Learning to Collaborate for Question Answering and Asking.
CliCR: a Dataset of Clinical Case Reports for Machine Reading Comprehension.
Generating Descriptions from Structured Data Using a Bifocal Attention Mechanism and Gated Orthogonalization.
SHAPED: Shared-Private Encoder-Decoder for Text Style Adaptation.
Bootstrapping Generators from Noisy Data.
Identifying Semantic Divergences in Parallel Text without Annotations.
Learning Joint Semantic Parsers from Disjoint Data.
Multimodal Frame Identification with Multilingual Evaluation.
KBGAN: Adversarial Learning for Knowledge Graph Embeddings.
DR-BiLSTM: Dependent Reading Bidirectional LSTM for Natural Language Inference.
A Neural Layered Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition.
Using Morphological Knowledge in Open-Vocabulary Neural Language Models.
Simple Models for Word Formation in Slang.
Reusing Weights in Subword-Aware Neural Language Models.
Modeling Noisiness to Recognize Named Entities using Multitask Neural Networks on Social Media.
Context Sensitive Neural Lemmatization with Lematus.
Target Foresight Based Attention for Neural Machine Translation.
Self-Attentive Residual Decoder for Neural Machine Translation.
Neural Machine Translation for Bilingually Scarce Scenarios: a Deep Multi-Task Learning Approach.
Improving Neural Machine Translation with Conditional Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets.
Handling Homographs in Neural Machine Translation.
Guiding Neural Machine Translation with Retrieved Translation Pieces.
Fast Lexically Constrained Decoding with Dynamic Beam Allocation for Neural Machine Translation.
Evaluating Discourse Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation.
Dense Information Flow for Neural Machine Translation.
Combining Character and Word Information in Neural Machine Translation Using a Multi-Level Attention.
The Context-Dependent Additive Recurrent Neural Net.
Tensor Product Generation Networks for Deep NLP Modeling.
Reinforced Co-Training.
Pivot Based Language Modeling for Improved Neural Domain Adaptation.
Multinomial Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Text Classification.
Early Text Classification Using Multi-Resolution Concept Representations.
Diverse Few-Shot Text Classification with Multiple Metrics.
Colorless Green Recurrent Networks Dream Hierarchically.
End-to-End Graph-Based TAG Parsing with Neural Networks.
A Structured Syntax-Semantics Interface for English-AMR Alignment.
Sentences with Gapping: Parsing and Reconstructing Elided Predicates.
Cross-Lingual Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing.
Specialising Word Vectors for Lexical Entailment.
Filling Missing Paths: Modeling Co-occurrences of Word Pairs and Dependency Paths for Recognizing Lexical Semantic Relations.
A Broad-Coverage Challenge Corpus for Sentence Understanding through Inference.
Explainable Prediction of Medical Codes from Clinical Text.
Lessons from the Bible on Modern Topics: Low-Resource Multilingual Topic Model Evaluation.
Deep Temporal-Recurrent-Replicated-Softmax for Topical Trends over Time.
Comparing Automatic and Human Evaluation of Local Explanations for Text Classification.
Author Commitment and Social Power: Automatic Belief Tagging to Infer the Social Context of Interactions.
Inducing a Lexicon of Abusive Words - a Feature-Based Approach.
Exploring the Role of Prior Beliefs for Argument Persuasion.
Learning Word Embeddings for Low-Resource Languages by PU Learning.
Deep Generative Model for Joint Alignment and Word Representation.
What's Going On in Neural Constituency Parsers? An Analysis.
Universal Dependency Parsing for Hindi-English Code-Switching.
Robust Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging via Adversarial Training.
Parsing Tweets into Universal Dependencies.
Noise-Robust Morphological Disambiguation for Dialectal Arabic.
Neural Syntactic Generative Models with Exact Marginalization.
Neural Particle Smoothing for Sampling from Conditional Sequence Models.
Monte Carlo Syntax Marginals for Exploring and Using Dependency Parses.
From Phonology to Syntax: Unsupervised Linguistic Typology at Different Levels with Language Embeddings.
Embedding Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions via Tensor Decomposition.
Supervised Open Information Extraction.
Simultaneously Self-Attending to All Mentions for Full-Abstract Biological Relation Extraction.
Nested Named Entity Recognition Revisited.
Multimodal Named Entity Recognition for Short Social Media Posts.
Improving Temporal Relation Extraction with a Globally Acquired Statistical Resource.
Implicit Argument Prediction with Event Knowledge.
Global Relation Embedding for Relation Extraction.
FEVER: a Large-scale Dataset for Fact Extraction and VERification.
Efficient Sequence Learning with Group Recurrent Networks.
DeepAlignment: Unsupervised Ontology Matching with Refined Word Vectors.
Collective Entity Disambiguation with Structured Gradient Tree Boosting.
Automatic Stance Detection Using End-to-End Memory Networks.
Acquisition of Phrase Correspondences Using Natural Deduction Proofs.
Accurate Text-Enhanced Knowledge Graph Representation Learning.
Neural Models of Factuality.
Polyglot Semantic Parsing in APIs.
Newsroom: A Dataset of 1.3 Million Summaries with Diverse Extractive Strategies.
Entity Commonsense Representation for Neural Abstractive Summarization.
Semantic Structural Evaluation for Text Simplification.
Querying Word Embeddings for Similarity and Relatedness.
Fine-Grained Temporal Orientation and its Relationship with Psycho-Demographic Correlates.
A Meaning-Based Statistical English Math Word Problem Solver.
The Web as a Knowledge-Base for Answering Complex Questions.
Self-Training for Jointly Learning to Ask and Answer Questions.
Noising and Denoising Natural Language: Diverse Backtranslation for Grammar Correction.
Robust Cross-Lingual Hypernymy Detection Using Dependency Context.
Approaching Neural Grammatical Error Correction as a Low-Resource Machine Translation Task.
SRL4ORL: Improving Opinion Role Labeling Using Multi-Task Learning with Semantic Role Labeling.
Solving Data Sparsity for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Using Cross-Linguality and Multi-Linguality.
Relevant Emotion Ranking from Text Constrained with Emotion Relationships.
Learning Sentence Representations over Tree Structures for Target-Dependent Classification.
Learning Domain Representation for Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification.
Unsupervised Learning of Sentence Embeddings Using Compositional n-Gram Features.
Post-Specialisation: Retrofitting Vectors of Words Unseen in Lexical Resources.
Neural Tensor Networks with Diagonal Slice Matrices.
Mining Possessions: Existence, Type and Temporal Anchors.
Distributional Inclusion Vector Embedding for Unsupervised Hypernymy Detection.
Deep Neural Models of Semantic Shift.
Can Network Embedding of Distributional Thesaurus Be Combined with Word Vectors for Better Representation?
attr2vec: Jointly Learning Word and Contextual Attribute Embeddings with Factorization Machines.
Abstract Meaning Representation for Paraphrase Detection.
Being Negative but Constructively: Lessons Learnt from Creating Better Visual Question Answering Datasets.
Comparatives, Quantifiers, Proportions: a Multi-Task Model for the Learning of Quantities from Vision.
Learning Visually Grounded Sentence Representations.
Scene Graph Parsing as Dependency Parsing.
Before Name-Calling: Dynamics and Triggers of Ad Hominem Fallacies in Web Argumentation.
Microblog Conversation Recommendation via Joint Modeling of Topics and Discourse.
Deep Dirichlet Multinomial Regression.
Classical Structured Prediction Losses for Sequence to Sequence Learning.
Universal Neural Machine Translation for Extremely Low Resource Languages.
Improving Lexical Choice in Neural Machine Translation.
Comparing Constraints for Taxonomic Organization.
Learning beyond Datasets: Knowledge Graph Augmented Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing.
Variable Typing: Assigning Meaning to Variables in Mathematical Text.
Zero-Shot Sequence Labeling: Transferring Knowledge from Sentences to Tokens.
Tempo-Lexical Context Driven Word Embedding for Cross-Session Search Task Extraction.
QuickEdit: Editing Text & Translations by Crossing Words Out.
Neural Automated Essay Scoring and Coherence Modeling for Adversarially Crafted Input.
Looking Beyond the Surface: A Challenge Set for Reading Comprehension over Multiple Sentences.
Content-Based Citation Recommendation.
Automated Essay Scoring in the Presence of Biased Ratings.
Zero-Shot Question Generation from Knowledge Graphs for Unseen Predicates and Entity Types.
Simplification Using Paraphrases and Context-Based Lexical Substitution.
Query and Output: Generating Words by Querying Distributed Word Representations for Paraphrase Generation.
Natural Answer Generation with Heterogeneous Memory.
Discourse-Aware Neural Rewards for Coherent Text Generation.
A Melody-Conditioned Lyrics Language Model.
A Deep Ensemble Model with Slot Alignment for Sequence-to-Sequence Natural Language Generation.
Improving Implicit Discourse Relation Classification by Modeling Inter-dependencies of Discourse Units in a Paragraph.
Dear Sir or Madam, May I Introduce the GYAFC Dataset: Corpus, Benchmarks and Metrics for Formality Style Transfer.
Automatic Focus Annotation: Bringing Formal Pragmatics Alive in Analyzing the Information Structure of Authentic Data.
Attentive Interaction Model: Modeling Changes in View in Argumentation.
Please Clap: Modeling Applause in Campaign Speeches.
Tied Multitask Learning for Neural Speech Translation.
Parsing Speech: a Neural Approach to Integrating Lexical and Acoustic-Prosodic Information.
Improving Character-Based Decoding Using Target-Side Morphological Information for Neural Machine Translation.
Fortification of Neural Morphological Segmentation Models for Polysynthetic Minimal-Resource Languages.
A Deep Generative Model of Vowel Formant Typology.
Joint Bootstrapping Machines for High Confidence Relation Extraction.
Neural Fine-Grained Entity Type Classification with Hierarchy-Aware Loss.
Label-Aware Double Transfer Learning for Cross-Specialty Medical Named Entity Recognition.