
naacl 2021 论文列表

Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop, NAACL-HLT 2021, Online, June 6-11, 2021.

Hie-BART: Document Summarization with Hierarchical BART.
Emotion Classification in a Resource Constrained Language Using Transformer-based Approach.
Sentence Concatenation Approach to Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation.
Parallel sentences mining with transfer learning in an unsupervised setting.
Comparison of Grammatical Error Correction Using Back-Translation Models.
Multi-Task Learning of Generation and Classification for Emotion-Aware Dialogue Response Generation.
Seed Word Selection for Weakly-Supervised Text Classification with Unsupervised Error Estimation.
Morphology-Aware Meta-Embeddings for Tamil.
Shuffled-token Detection for Refining Pre-trained RoBERTa.
Exploration and Discovery of the COVID-19 Literature through Semantic Visualization.
A Sliding-Window Approach to Automatic Creation of Meeting Minutes.
Open-Domain Question Answering with Pre-Constructed Question Spaces.
Multi-Modal Image Captioning for the Visually Impaired.
Syntax-Based Attention Masking for Neural Machine Translation.
Parallel Text Alignment and Monolingual Parallel Corpus Creation from Philosophical Texts for Text Simplification.
Towards Layered Events and Schema Representations in Long Documents.
Representations of Meaning in Neural Networks for NLP: a Thesis Proposal.
Negation typology and general representation models for cross-lingual zero-shot negation scope resolution in Russian, French, and Spanish.
IceSum: An Icelandic Text Summarization Corpus.
Sampling and Filtering of Neural Machine Translation Distillation Data.