
NeurIPS(NIPS) 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the NIPS Workshop on Cognitive Computation: Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches co-located with the 29th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2015), Montreal, Canada, December 11-12, 2015.

Relational Knowledge Extraction from Neural Networks.
Neural Network Model of Semantic Processing in the Remote Associates Test.
Predicting Embedded Syntactic Structures from Natural Language Sentences with Neural Network Approaches.
Fractal Grammars which Recover from Perturbations.
A Recurrent Neural Network for Multiple Language Acquisition: Starting with English and French.
Combinatorial Structures and Processing in Neural Blackboard Architectures.
Early Detection of Combustion Instability by Neural-Symbolic Analysis on Hi-Speed Video.
Building Memory with Concept Learning Capabilities from Large-Scale Knowledge Bases.
Extracting Interpretable Models from Matrix Factorization Models.
Symbol Grounding in Multimodal Sequences using Recurrent Neural Networks.
Efficient Neural Computation in the Laplace Domain.
Lifted Relational Neural Networks.
Request Confirmation Networks for Neuro-Symbolic Script Execution.
Tree-Structured Composition in Neural Networks without Tree-Structured Architectures.
Probability Matching via Deterministic Neural Networks.
Analogy Making and Logical Inferences on Images using Cellular Automata based Hyperdimensional Computing.
The Usefulness of Past Knowledge when Learning a New Task in Deep Neural Networks.
Turing Computation with Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks.