
recsys 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the Poster Track of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2016), Boston, USA, September 17, 2016.

User Segmentation for Controlling Recommendation Diversity.
Representing Items as Word-Embedding Vectors and Generating Recommendations by Measuring their Linear Independence.
Memory Priming and User Preferences.
Is Readability a Valuable Signal for Hashtag Recommendations?
Towards Understanding Latent Factors and User Profiles by Enhancing Matrix Factorization with Tags.
Combining Dynamic A/B Experimentation and Recommender Systems in MOOCs.
Dish Discovery via Word Embeddings on Restaurant Reviews.
Music Playlist Recommendation via Preference Embedding.
Deep Auto-Encoding for Context-Aware Inference of Preferred Items' Categories.
Tip Ranker: A M.L. Approach to Ranking Short Reviews.
Idomaar: A Framework for Multi-dimensional Benchmarking of Recommender Algorithms.
Item2vec: Neural Item Embedding for Collaborative Filtering.
rrecsys: An R-package for Prototyping Recommendation Algorithms.
Weighted Random Walks for Meta-Path Expansion in Heterogeneous Networks.
How to Survive Dynamic Pricing Competition in E-commerce.
Detecting Trending Venues Using Foursquare's Data.
Modelling Session Activity with Neural Embedding.
Explicit Elimination of Similarity Blocking for Session-based Recommendation.
An Entity Graph Based Recommender System.
Genre Prediction to Inform the Recommendation Process.
Cross Domain Recommendation Using Vector Space Transfer Learning.
A Secure Shopping Experience Based on Blockchain and Beacon Technology.
Recommendation from Intransitive Pairwise Comparisons. : Massive Open Online Courses Recommender System.