On perturbations of principal eigenvectors of substochastic matrices




In this report we consider substochastic matrices with some zero rows and study the sensitivity of their eigenvectors to the modifications of zero entries. The analysis is prompted by and directly applied to the Google method of ranking the web sites, which substitutes the pages without outlinks (dangling nodes) in the original web link matrix by non-zero rows (dangling vectors). We present an analysis of the influence of artificial links attributed to the dangling nodes on the principal eigenvectors of the web matrix. We clarify when the choice of the dangling vector does not change the original eigenvectors and give an evaluation for perturbations of the principal eigenvectors when they are subject to modification.

论文关键词:60J10,60J20,15A18,15A51,Substochastic matrices,Markov chains,Dangling nodes,Principal eigenvectors,PageRank vector

论文评审过程:Received 10 September 2014, Revised 14 December 2014, Available online 20 January 2015, Version of Record 4 November 2015.
