Recovering Shape by Shading and Stereo Under Lambertian Shading Model

作者:Chi Kin Chow, Shiu Yin Yuen


A method that integrates shape from shading and stereo is reported for Lambertian objects. A rectification is proposed to convert any lighting direction from oblique to orthographic. A sparse stereo method is reported that directly uses depth information and has no foreshortening problem. The method completely solves three difficult problems in stereo, namely, recovering depth at occlusion; matching at places with similar shading and matching at smooth silhouettes. The method has been tested on both synthetic and real images. It shows superior performance compared with two recent stereo algorithms. It is also a method based on the physics of image formation.

论文关键词:Shape from shading, Shape from stereo, Integration of shape modules, Epipolar geometry, Lambertian shading model

