The interplay between cognitive task complexity and user interaction in mobile collaborative training
• It is critical to leverage cognitive task complexity for mobile collaborative training (MCT).
• Different levels of cognitive task complexity and user interaction affect MCT.
• Effective MCT requires a balance of both technology use and team design.
• Team support is diminishes when MCT subject is highly complicated.
•It is critical to leverage cognitive task complexity for mobile collaborative training (MCT).•Different levels of cognitive task complexity and user interaction affect MCT.•Effective MCT requires a balance of both technology use and team design.•Team support is diminishes when MCT subject is highly complicated.
论文关键词:Cognitive task complexity,Cognitive load theory,Bloom's taxonomy,Mobile learning,Mobile collaborative training,Mobile user interactions
论文评审过程:Received 16 November 2015, Revised 29 March 2016, Accepted 1 April 2016, Available online 12 April 2016, Version of Record 12 April 2016.