Selective Sampling for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

作者:Michael Lindenbaum, Shaul Markovitch, Dmitry Rusakov


Most existing inductive learning algorithms work under the assumption that their training examples are already tagged. There are domains, however, where the tagging procedure requires significant computation resources or manual labor. In such cases, it may be beneficial for the learner to be active, intelligently selecting the examples for labeling with the goal of reducing the labeling cost. In this paper we present LSS—a lookahead algorithm for selective sampling of examples for nearest neighbor classifiers. The algorithm is looking for the example with the highest utility, taking its effect on the resulting classifier into account. Computing the expected utility of an example requires estimating the probability of its possible labels. We propose to use the random field model for this estimation. The LSS algorithm was evaluated empirically on seven real and artificial data sets, and its performance was compared to other selective sampling algorithms. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other methods in terms of average error rate and stability.

论文关键词:active learning, selective sampling, nearest neighbor, random field

