Space-Time Tree Ensemble for Action Recognition and Localization
作者:Shugao Ma, Jianming Zhang, Stan Sclaroff, Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis, Leonid Sigal
Human actions are, inherently, structured patterns of body movements. We explore ensembles of hierarchical spatio-temporal trees, discovered directly from training data, to model these structures for action recognition and spatial localization. Discovery of frequent and discriminative tree structures is challenging due to the exponential search space, particularly if one allows partial matching. We address this by first building a concise action word vocabulary via discriminative clustering of the hierarchical space-time segments, which is a two-level video representation that captures both static and non-static relevant space-time segments of the video. Using this vocabulary we then utilize tree mining with subsequent tree clustering and ranking to select a compact set of discriminative tree patterns. Our experiments show that these tree patterns, alone, or in combination with shorter patterns (action words and pairwise patterns) achieve promising performance on three challenging datasets: UCF Sports, HighFive and Hollywood3D. Moreover, we perform cross-dataset validation, using trees learned on HighFive to recognize the same actions in Hollywood3D, and using trees learned on UCF-Sports to recognize and localize the similar actions in JHMDB. The results demonstrate the potential for cross-dataset generalization of the trees our approach discovers.
论文关键词:Action recognition, Action localization, Space-time tree structure