Generalized Mosaicing: High Dynamic Range in a Wide Field of View
作者:Yoav Y. Schechner, Shree K. Nayar
We present an approach that significantly enhances the capabilities of traditional image mosaicking. The key observation is that as a camera moves, it senses each scene point multiple times. We rigidly attach to the camera an optical filter with spatially varying properties, so that multiple measurements are obtained for each scene point under different optical settings. Fusing the data captured in the multiple images yields an image mosaic that includes additional information about the scene. We refer to this approach as generalized mosaicing. In this paper we show that this approach can significantly extend the optical dynamic range of any given imaging system by exploiting vignetting effects. We derive the optimal vignetting configuration and implement it using an external filter with spatially varying transmittance. We also derive efficient scene sampling conditions as well as ways to self calibrate the vignetting effects. Maximum likelihood is used for image registration and fusion. In an experiment we mounted such a filter on a standard 8-bit video camera, to obtain an image panorama with dynamic range comparable to imaging with a 16-bit camera.
论文关键词:sensors, inverse problems, image fusion, mosaicing, mosaicking, machine vision, physics based vision, SNR, vignetting, panorama