Efficient Dense Stereo with Occlusions for New View-Synthesis by Four-State Dynamic Programming

作者:A. Criminisi, A. Blake, C. Rother, J. Shotton, P. H. S. Torr


A new algorithm is proposed for efficient stereo and novel view synthesis. Given the video streams acquired by two synchronized cameras the proposed algorithm synthesises images from a virtual camera in arbitrary position near the physical cameras. The new technique is based on an improved, dynamic-programming, stereo algorithm for efficient novel view generation. The two main contributions of this paper are: (i) a new four state matching graph for dense stereo dynamic programming, that supports accurate occlusion labelling; (ii) a compact geometric derivation for novel view synthesis by direct projection of the minimum cost surface. Furthermore, the paper presents an algorithm for the temporal maintenance of a background model to enhance the rendering of occlusions and reduce temporal artefacts (flicker); and a cost aggregation algorithm that acts directly in the three-dimensional matching cost space.

论文关键词:dense stereo, image-based rendering, video-conferencing, gaze correction

