Shape-based Invariant Texture Indexing
作者:Gui-Song Xia, Julie Delon, Yann Gousseau
This paper introduces a new texture analysis scheme, which is invariant to local geometric and radiometric changes. The proposed methodology relies on the topographic map of images, obtained from the connected components of level sets. This morphological tool, providing a multi-scale and contrast-invariant representation of images, is shown to be well suited to texture analysis. We first make use of invariant moments to extract geometrical information from the topographic map. This yields features that are invariant to local similarities or local affine transformations. These features are invariant to any local contrast change. We then relax this invariance by computing additional features that are invariant to local affine contrast changes and investigate the resulting analysis scheme by performing classification and retrieval experiments on three texture databases. The obtained experimental results outperform the current state of the art in locally invariant texture analysis.
论文关键词:Topographic map, Level lines, Texture analysis, Local invariance