
期刊全称 所属学科 分区情况 2019年影响因子 近三年平均影响因子
chiang mai journal of science 综合性期刊 4 0.3252019 0.359
proceedings of the estonian academy of sciences 综合性期刊 4 0.8832019 0.745
proceedings of the estonian academy of sciences 综合性期刊 4 0.8832019 0.745
iranian journal of science and technology transaction a-science 综合性期刊 4 0.8752019 0.775
discrete dynamics in nature and society 综合性期刊 4 0.8702019 0.867
journal of the royal society of new zealand 综合性期刊 4 0.8622019 0.928
journal of the national science foundation of sri lanka 综合性期刊 4 0.3782019 0.367
herald of the russian academy of sciences 综合性期刊 4 0.4452019 0.470
journal of the indian institute of science 综合性期刊 4 0.7422019 0.878
transactions of the royal society of south australia 综合性期刊 4 0.7332019 0.633
current science 综合性期刊 4 0.7252019 0.788
current science 综合性期刊 4 0.7252019 0.788
proceedings of the romanian academy series a-mathematics physics technical sciences information science 综合性期刊 4 1.2942019 1.483
global challenges 综合性期刊 4 4.3062019 4.306
global challenges 综合性期刊 4 4.3062019 4.306
interdisciplinary science reviews 综合性期刊 4 0.1962019 0.216
proceedings of the romanian academy series a-mathematics physics technical sciences information science 综合性期刊 4 1.2942019 1.483
sains malaysiana 综合性期刊 4 0.6432019 0.583
science progress 综合性期刊 4 1.9062019 1.501
jove-journal of visualized experiments 综合性期刊 4 1.1632019 1.152